Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Thoughts about Prayer

Something that I have really learned lately is about prayer. Not just like pray always, because my whole mission and my whole life I have been praying. But more that just praying often; praying fervently. And like how to do that. Rather that just like leaving Heavenly Father with a thank you note and a grocery list of things to do, really talking to Him like a person in front of you. And I know people say that all the time, but it really is ok to say more in your prayers than just "thanks for..." and "Please bless..." I learned that I can tell him how I'm feeling, and it helps me focus if I say the words out loud, or whisper them, or even just mouthing them if I can't do it out loud. We can tell him things we hope for, things that were funny, things we want; anything. And lately I've been trying to have a lot more gratitude in my prayers and it has made a difference. I've been trying to do prayers that are all gratitude, but I'm still working on that. The thing that inspired me to do it was an article in an Ensign called, "My Prayers of Gratitude." You should all look it up, because it was good. But it has made a big difference. Also in the last few weeks I have been working on praying for my companion, not just in my personal prayers, which I have always done, but when we pray together. And I've felt a lot closer to my Heavenly Father when I talk to him that way. There are some good quotes about prayer in Preach my Gospel, but I don't have mine with me. But if you find them, they are good.

I love you!

Hermana Emily Pratt

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