Monday, April 7, 2014

This week we finally went to Tappahanock, AKA Narnia. It is the furthest part of our area. It takes about an hour each way to drive, and everything there is super spaced out (Adios, monthly miles... we already have about 400 miles this month, and we only get 1200 for the whole month. Looks like we'll be doing lots of walking/begging members for rides.), so we were there for about 6 or 7 hours. First we were in the Elder's area, and we took some beautiful pictures of some blossoms and went to a Mexican restaurant, because that is always a good place to look for Hispanics. Plus, wonderful food. Bonus!
Then we went to the English Sister's area, and they came with us to an area where some Hispanics live, and we split up, my companion with Sister Page, and me with Sister Robinson. Me and her are now best friends, we have a lot in common! The whole time we were tracting (Not a single door opened on the whole street until the very last house, where we found them a new investigator. Yay for tracting!). It was so exciting. When we met up again with the other companionship again, they had found us a new investigator! Yay! I have never met him yet, but apparently he is pretty cool. So yeah, it worked pretty well, we each got a new investigator out of it. We'll probably do that again. But first we need to get about 500 extra miles. Or get a member to come with us and basically just spend the whole day with us. Hopefully.
Today we are going to have a zone pday and play oompa loompa. I think I've explained that game before. But I am excited. This morning for our exercise, we went to the church and met the other Sisters in our ward there and practiced with the football I got especially for this game. Who even knew I would ever have the desire to buy a football, but I have loved it and it has helped me exercise! I also got a volleyball for $5 and that has been a lot of fun. I love volleyball. Fun, fun! Hopefully I will rock it when we play today! Haha just kidding there is no way. Mostly I just walk back and forth and no one passes it to me. But occasionally I have had some really good moments. But that is a story for another time.
Well, I love you all lots! I hope you have a lovely week! Remember to share the Gospel with all the Hispanics you see!

Hermana Emily Pratt

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