So guess what. Last night, we were planning and adding up
our numbers for the week and while we were trying to figure out how many
progressing investigators we have, suddenly Hermana Depablos points to a spot
about 3 or 4 feet away from me and made a disgusted/horrifed face. I looked
over, expecting to see a tiny little bug or maybe a little spider or something,
because that is what usually happens, but guess what I saw?
In case you are
wondering, that is a REALLY BIG spider. INSIDE our house. Needless to say,
I immediately began some evasive maneuvers and pranced gracefully away, whilst
making some beautiful noises to lull it into a false sense of security. It
worked, of course, and the spider didn't move.
Normally I don't mind spiders, or killing spiders, but that
thing was just not ok. Notice the glowing eyes in the picture and the horribleness
of it all. I have no idea what would have happened if the members weren't home.
We would have tried our neighbor who was outside smoking at the time, probably.
And next, probably just evacuated and moved in with the other sisters for a
But anyways. So, some excitement.
Another funny story. So, every Friday, "F" takes us
out to dinner. This Friday we went to Chili's. I love Chili's. But I answered a
few of his questions about English, which he usually has prepared for me, and
then we moved on to his other questions, usually about the Gospel. But this
time he was asking us if the church celebrates Halloween. Or, as he spells it
(He always writes everything down), Halowin. He is still learning. Then he
started explaining why they have Halloween. First, he was telling us some of
the day of the dead stuff they do in his country (Mexico), which is on Nov 1
and 2. Then he told us that Halloween is (and now I will use his own
words, which he was also writing down for us): "El cumpleanos - el Happy
Birthday - de Satanas." Which, being translated, is Satan's birthday. Or,
according to "F", the happy birthday of Satan. Hermana Depablos didn't
notice because she is still learning English too, but it took everything I had
not to die of laughter in that moment. He was SO serious, too. He legitimately
thought Halloween was Satan's happy birthday. We explained to him that Satan
doesn't have a birthday because he was never born. And he was just like,
"Oh, of course, Hermanas, claro!" and started laughing. But then he
just kept going into all this other superstitious stuff. But it was just really funny.
I am really excited for my birthday! I am reaching a
landmark.... 20 years old.... Man, I'm getting ancient. I'm going to die an old
maid, I know it.
This morning in my studies I was reading from the Doctrine
and Covenants. First, I read the Introduction to the D&C, which is really
interesting. I had no idea that even existed til like 4 or 5 months ago, but it
is WAY cool. Then I was reading in sections 27-29. I think about 96% of D&C
is just the Lord chastising people and being like, "No, Joseph/Oliver,
that's not right. If you keep doing that, you'll get eternal condemnation. You
should probably fix that and do this instead. Then you'll get Eternal
Life." But in Section 29, it talks about the Millennium and it is super
cool. It talks about how the Millennium will be, what will happen before
(signs) and what will happen after. You should all go read it.
And also, on May 3rd, there will be a mission conference
(+the Chesapeake mission) and guess who is coming? ELDER BEDNAR!!!!!
WOOOOOOOOOOOoooo! I am way excited.
Well, anyways. Enjoy the loveliness of this week! Love you
Hermana Emily Pratt
(Just for clarification - Bees seem to love Emily. She has been stung several times, seemingly for no reason!) OH ps. There are about 55,889,237 bees/wasps around. And of
course, the moment I step outside, they begin to swarm. The other day, I was
walking into the church, with Hermana Depablos about 15 feet behind me, and
suddenly as I was about to get to the door to unlock it, a GIGANTIC
wasp flies out of the bushes, and hits me in the face. I began some
evasive maneuvers that involved a lot of ducking, noises, and flailing. I ran
about 20 yards away, back into the parking lot, and stopped and looked around
to see if it had followed me. It was just chilling on my shoulder the whole
time! I threw the keys at Hermana Depablos and yelled to go open the door as I
once again began to demonstrate my beautiful bee avoiding skills. She finally
got the door open and by this point the wasp was off my shoulder and
flying angrily around me. I booked it inside, my bag falling off and my skirt
doing who knows what (it was a windy day) and my hair in my mouth. It was the
most graceful of all the moments.
Pps other awkward story. This morning during companionship
study the Elders called us and were like, "Hey we have 4 referrals for
you!" and we were like, "Sweet, who are they?" and they said,
"I don't know, but they are right outside our house doing some
construction! They are all Hispanic! Go talk to them! Adios!"
And I wasn't all the way dressed up for the day and neither was my companion,
so we hurried and put ourselves together, preparing for some major awkwardness,
and went outside and struck up an extremely awkward conversation. The Elders
were in their house watching us the whole time, we found out. But we got their
number and they live out of our area, so we'll pass them on. Man. They
just like totally threw us under the bus. But it is fine, I think probably a
miracle will happen and they will get baptized. Just loving the awkwardness!
Ppps Congrats to Dad for sharing the Gospel! Even though it
wasn't with a Hispanic, he still gets a full point! Yay for Dad! :D
Sisters in Emily's current Zone
"Popcorn popping"
Tappahanock - furthest part of her area
Mouse captured in the apartment
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