Tuesday, April 22, 2014

I met John Wayne

The cat's name is John Wayne. It has a crooked neck so his head is always tilted sideways.

So I've decided I need a hedgehog. 

Also, this dog's name is Buddy and he is like my BFF. The dog & hedgehog belong to a great family.  Buddy will ALWAYS play with me and is super smart and well-trained. We were out doing yard work for service

So guess what? We had a mid-transfer transfer after all. I have a new companion now, named Hermana McRae. She just got here about an hour ago.

So, on Saturday night President Wilson called us and told us that Hermana Depablos would be going to Charlottesville to be with Hermana Wilkins and I would be getting a new companion, Hermana McRae.   I was sick from like Wednesday to Friday, and then my companion got sick with something else on Friday and so we only ended up teaching 4 lessons this week. Plus like everything we had set up that we didn't have to cancel ended up cancelling on us.
So yeah, this has been a really interesting week. Not a lot has happened besides those things.

My personal study this morning was kind of cool. I was reading Alma 8-10 and wondering why it is that when you have more light, you have more condemnation if you break the commandments. And I just kind of related it to like if a complete stranger were to walk up to me and say, "I bet you got terrible grades in school and you are really stupid," I would just be like, "Ok, whatever. You don't even know me." But if someone that knew me really well came up to me and started doing things totally against what I had asked them to do or started just like saying terrible things about me, whether they were or were not true, I would be really angry and I would not want to be that person's friend anymore. And I think it is probably the same with God. He knows and loves each of us, but, for example, the Lamanites didn't know God. And they were always breaking the commandments and persecuting the church and such, but it was only because they didn't know any better and they legitimately thought they were doing right. The Nephites, on the other hand, knew exactly what they were supposed to be doing, but they chose not to. Which is basically like just spitting on God. They knew the commandments, they knew the church and the prophets, but they killed and persecuted the church and a lot of other stuff regardless of their knowledge, and it makes sense that God wouldn't be ok with that. Not that He is just fine with the Lamanites doing all that stuff, but it is like a little child that knows they shouldn't hit but they do it anyways. Of course they are going to get a worse punishment than they child that hasn't been taught those things. That child will just be corrected and taught, rather than punished (if that makes sense.) It would not so much be chastisement, and more of just trying to teach the child not to hit. I don't know. It made sense in my head. I hope it makes sense to you guys. But I'd never really understood that very well before. Of course I knew that it was true, because there are countless examples of it, even today, but I just didn't understand why. This is why we study!
Well, I love you all lots! Have a wonderful week and I hope you had a great Easter!
Hermana Emily Pratt

PS - Random church board sign we drove past: "You can't keep a good man down. He is risen!"

Another Yard Statue

Beautiful Bush

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