Tuesday, March 25, 2014

So no transfers this week (well, yes, there are transfers, but we are staying where we are), but lots of exciting miracles!
This week, we found five new investigators! That is fantastic! And we set two of them on date in the very first lesson we had with them!
So the first one we found is A, and we knew he was going to be an investigator because we had taught his wife and brother already, and he was the one that we had talked to and had been interested in the first place. But they are really cool. They also have two daughters (1 1/2 and 3) that are SO CUTE. Unfortunately, they are EXTREMELY distracting. The first lesson we had a member with us and she was holding them and playing with one of them. But they keep trying to climb in our laps and it is hard to say no because they are super cute. But we do anyways. Most of our pass-along-cards go towards keeping them quiet while the other one of us talks.
Then we finally taught a referral that we got from a member of the Scotchtown ward a couple weeks ago. She is incredible. She has a brain tumor, and has had it for years and has had a ton of medical procedures done and stuff to kill the tumor and fix a lot of other problems that it caused. She hadn't talked to this member in years, but then she decided she wanted to have a closer relationship with God, and this member was the person she knew that had the best relationship with God. So we called her and she called us, too (a miracle, right there) and we just played phone tag for like three or four days, then we finally set up and appointment and then we had to change it, then we finally got another one and taught her and she told us her WHOLE life story. She is super prepared. We are so excited to teach her more.
Then we were driving around a trailer park on our way to try to contact one of our potentials and we saw a guy outside of a house that I recognized as a potential from forever ago that me and my last companion tried to contact a few times. so we pulled over and talked to him, and he wasn't super interested (although not entirely without hope, I'd say) but that we could ask his wife. So we went inside but his wife was in the shower. So we were talking to his two teenage daughters (18 and 16) and they said we could teach them. So we taught them the restoration and they told us they had gone to a Mormon church like 5 years ago and they remembered a bit of the lesson from when the missionaries had taught them back then. We used a lot of visuals and they understood really well. We asked them if they would be baptized, and they said yes. Then Hermana Depablos gave them a date and they said yes! It was so cool!
Also we went by to see a potential that we had found at Walmart one time, who lives with J, our investigator who has a date for April 5th, but they were in the shower, so we talked to J for a little while, then we taught the husband of the potential we had gone by to visit.. He is super cool and J bore his testimony and answered some of his questions and stuff and it was SO COOL! J will be such a strong member someday.
AND, we set another one of our investigators on date, too! His name is J. He is set for April 26th. He is the cousins of a family of recent converts in Chesterfield. I actually was the first one to teach him, back in like August, at his cousins house. I didn't speak much Spanish then, but I remember it being a cool experience. At the time we gave him as a referral for the Mechanicsville Hermanas and I totally forgot about it, then when I went to his house for the first time in January, he was like, "I remember you! You taught me before!" And it was dark and I didn't recognize him at all and I was just like, "Ummmm.... I don't think so...." And then he was like, "No, I remember, you taught me about Jose Smith. Your Spanish is a lot better now." And suddenly I remembered and it was a cool moment. And now he has a baptismal date! Yay!
Also, we finally caught one of our mice with one of the sticky traps we got from our office. It was so sad! It was still alive, but it was so terrified! I was just watching it struggle on there for like an hour while I was studying. Then we gave it to the Elders. We told them not to kill it, but who knows. Elder Hillock was like becoming its best friend, but Elder Stapley, who was holding the trap, looked super disgusted and he had been planning on killing it. So we told him to give it to Elder Hillock to do something with, but who knows what happened. They are supposed to be sending a picture. If they do, I'll forward it to you. But it was a really cute little mouse.
Well, anyways. I love you all! Have a great week!
Hermana Emily Pratt

Emily with Hermana Depablos and Sister Crandall

Corgi + Labrador

Emily & Hermana Horton (previous companion)

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