Tuesday, March 18, 2014

So last Monday we were shopping, and we got a call from President Wilson saying that a Hermana in Stafford went home and they needed Hermana Crandall to go up and be with her companion. So they stole her from us Monday morning. It was crazy, and Hermana Depablos and I have just kind of been trying to figure everything out and stuff.
Ps this letter will probably be really short. My fingers are numb for some reason so I'm really struggling with typing. And I don't have a lot to say today.
It's snowing again, also, which means we have to leave the library early and I will be back on tomorrow. So that is the other reason.
But this week has been really crazy. We found 4 new investigators, one of which is hilarious. His name is E. And he is just a super smiley person. He is just like constantly giggling. It is funny. We were talking to him and we'd met him before and so we were like, "Do you have some time right now for a lesson?" and he was like, "Well, no, I have to go to work in an hour and a half and there are some things I have to do first..." And we were like, "Well, do you even have like 15 minutes for a lesson?" and he said, "Yes, of course I do!" and so we were just like ok.... So we taught the restoration and pretty much everything was like that. We asked if we could come back, and he's like, "No, I work all the time and my schedule is crazy," etc. Then we asked, "Well, could we come back Wednesday at the same time?" And he's like, "Yeah, of course! I'll be here!" and so pretty much the whole lesson went like that. It was really interesting.
 And we put someone on date! For.... This Saturday!
His name is J. He is super great. He's been getting taught since October and his testimony is SUPER solid, he is just afraid to take the step and has been procrastinating a lot. But he reads and prays and comes to church (when he doesn't have to work). We have been using this case study thing we got in Zone Conference (some missionaries in some mission give written homework with specific questions and written instructions and they have to write their answers and stuff) with him and he LOVES it! He answered all the questions we gave him and they were super smart answers and he had clearly thought about it a lot. I even learned new stuff from his answers. We read some scriptures with him and talked to him for like 45 minutes about baptism and such, and then we gave him a date and told him to pray about it! And he finally said yes! We thought it was in two weeks, but apparently it was only one. So yeah. That will be difficult, and it is hard to coordinate with the Henrico branch since we don't know anyone there yet, but we have faith that it will all work out. I'll let you know how it goes. Jenn, the story you told on the voice recorder about the guy that was dragging his feet so you just acted as if he was getting baptized is kind of what we are doing. Pray for us and especially for him, please!
Oh, and you wanted to know about service, well, we cleaned the Ramsey's floors for them! Sister Ramsey is pregnant with child #7 and having a really hard time, so we were glad to do it! They have SUCH cute kids! And they are all very well behaved (for the most part, of course...) It was really fun.
Also, when you take the challenge I gave you to give one Spanish speaker a pass along card -  what you do when they speak back to you is you smile and hand them the card and just say, "Si, si! Jesucristo es bueno!" and then they will take the card. There was a missionary that did that in this area and we always got like a million referrals from her, so it works. And a few of those referrals we are still teaching, so it really is great!
So what is going on with you? Mostly we've just been working hard and doing the usual missionary thing. I would love to hear from everyone about their lives and stuff...
So transfers are next Tuesday. And even though this transfer has seemed so slow just because of everything that's been going on and stuff, it seems like the first week of the transfer, still! But it's actually the last week! 
Well, adios, love you all!

Hermana Emily Ann Pratt

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