Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Spanish Lesson...

So this week has been another difficult one for me. Partly because I'm sick AGAIN. I swear, I've never gotten sick this much in my life. Also, I love my companions, but we don't get along super well. They both get along great and agree on most everything and stuff, but I have different ideas which usually just get smacked down because it is two against one. But oh well.
Nothing at all happened last week. Yesterday we were just trapped inside all day because of more snow and ice. Most of our lessons cancelled on us, too. We've found a few new potentials, though, which is great.
A new bishopric AND a new stake president? Man, the ward will be different when I get back.
So this week I've been reading the Ensign and there are a lot of really great articles in there. If you get a chance, read them.
I love being a missionary! Teaching people about the Gospel and inviting them to come unto Christ is the best calling I could ever have. Sorry this is going to be another one of those really short letters, but I just really don't have anything new to say.
So I've been recording some more stuff on the voice recorder and last night I recorded "how to share the gospel with a Hispanic." And I invite you all to share the Gospel with one Hispanic before mother's day. Just one. And I recorded this vocally, but I'm also going to write down the stuff I taught you to say in Spanish. They are very basic and easy to use phrases that I want you to memorize, or at least keep with you so you can use them when the opportunities that I've prayed for you to have and that you should be praying to have come to share the Gospel. So, the basic phrases that I teach on the voice recorder are:
"Hello, I don't speak a lot of Spanish, but do you want to hear a message about Jesus Christ?"
 "Hola (Oh-law), yo no hablo (AH-blow) mucho (MOO-cho) espanol (ess-pahn-YOHL), pero quiere (Kee-YAIR-ay) escuchar (ess-koo-CHAR) un (oon) mensaje (men-SAW-hey) de (day) Jesucristo (HEY-soo-CREE-stow)?"
"Hola, yo no hablo mucho espanol, pero quiere escuchar un mensaje de Jesucristo?"
Then you would hand them the pass-along-card with a picture of Jesus on it (I expect you all to acquire one in Spanish) and with the Spanish missionary's phone number on it. If you can, try and get their address for the missionaries too.
Then you would bear your testimony to them.

"I know the church is true."
"Yo se (say) que (kay) la (law) iglesia (ee-GLAY-see-ah) es verdadera (VAIR-dah-DAIR-ah)."
"Yo se que la iglesia es verdadera."

"I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet."
"Yo se (say) que (kay) Jose (hoe-SAY) Smith era (AIR-ah) un (oon) profeta (pro-FEH-tah)."
"Yo se que Jose Smith era un profeta."

"I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God."
"Yo se (say) que (kay) el Libro (LEE-bro) de (day) Mormon (mor-MOWN) es la palabra (pah-LAW-brah) de Dios (dee-OWS)."
"Yo se que el Libro de Mormon es la palabra de Dios."

"I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior." Ps this is the most important one! Hispanics will listen if you use this one!

"Yo se (say) que (kay) Jesucristo (HEY-soo-CREE-stow) es mi (mee) Salvador (SAHL-vah-DOR (or like el Salvador, the country))."
"Yo se que Jesucristo es mi Salvador."

So there you have it. No more excuses not to share the Gospel with a Hispanic. So, will you all share the Gospel with AT LEAST ONE Hispanic between right now and Mother's day? I know you will have opportunities, and I know that you don't even have to speak Spanish to share the Gospel with everyone. Even if you can't remember how to say these things (Or you could keep them written in your bag or something), even if you just hand them a card or anything. And Hispanics also won't judge you. They think it is SO WONDERFUL when Americans even attempt to learn Spanish. They will help you out and think you are so cute. I promise that even if you do nothing but plant seeds, the Lord will send you many rich blessings for your effort, especially since you had to put forth more effort. The more the sacrifice, the more the blessings! You can all do it!
And for those of you that know some Spanish, brush up on it and have a conversation with them. For those who don't, just smile and give them a hug! They are a very warm and loving and accepting people.
Love you all! Have a great week!
Hermana Emily Ann Pratt

Ps let me know how it goes! And if you get one, don't stop there! Keep going! Love you!

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