Tuesday, February 25, 2014

So remember that one time when I told you we'd be getting a temple square sister in a couple weeks? Well she's here! We were at sister's meeting on Wednesday (super good) and we were talking to Sister Haines, one of the office sisters, and she was telling us how she has to drop off the old temple square sisters and pick up the new ones. And we were like, "Oh, one of those is for us...." and wondering when they were planning on telling us that... Awkward. But her name is Hermana Depablos and she is from Venezuela! She had only been learning English on her mission (she's been out like 9 months) and so she speaks it really well! And she is helping us lots with our Spanish, which is wonderful. She is super great.
We've been finding a lot of new investigators this week, which is wonderful. And also we've gotten 9 referrals, which is SUPER unusual, so that is also great. We are really excited to be able to contact and teach them.
How have your lives been? My life has been pretty good. My camera broke, though, so I'm super worried about that. It's really unfortunate.
 So, something cool that happened was on like Monday or Tuesday, I was just having a really bad day and just felt full of doubts and had no motivation. I was downstairs and Hermana Crandall was upstairs, and I saw my scriptures out on the table and I just thought maybe I should open them up and read them, because I've heard of people doing that before and having cool experiences. So I opened them up, expecting a rebuke or something basically just telling me to get over it and I have no good excuse to be feeling this way, because that is what I felt I deserved. But then I opened up to Matthew 28, and I looked down and saw that it is the chapter when Christ is resurrected and I just felt this immediate peace come into my heart and I just instantly felt God's love. So I read the chapter and I was so good. But what really stuck out to me is verses 17-20. It says:
17 And when they saw him, they worshiped him: but some doubted.
 18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
That really hit me super hard. Because I have just been feeling full of doubts that I can't seem to shake off. I am here on a mission, serving and worshiping him, but still doubting. So vs 17 is how I feel. Then I love how it says Jesus came and spoke to "them", meaning them which doubted, specifically. He then testifies, straight to them, that He has all power, so we don't need to doubt. And while I've always known He has all power, I just kind of assume sometimes that whenever He answers prayers it will only be in the way that is the hardest, and basically that He will just leave me alone to solve it, with little or no help from Him. But when I opened my scriptures expecting a rebuke or basically one of those scriptures that talks about abominations or something, I received love and comfort, which is exactly what I needed.
Then, in 19 and 20 He says:
19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
 20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
So there He tells me exactly what I need to do, which addressed my sense of feeling lost and without direction. And He even promises me that He is with me forever and will never leave me alone, even if the end of the world comes, which basically took care of my sense of feeling alone.
So there you have it. Prayers are real. I love the scriptures and I love my Savior. He is my best friend. He loves me personally as his daughter, not just as one of his many creations or whatever, like a tree or a rock or something. He told me exactly what I needed. 
Well, bye, love you!
Hermana Emily Pratt

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