Monday, February 17, 2014

New "adopted" companion!

So.... Yup. I lost my train of thought. Already. Actually I'm not sure I ever even had one.
But I have a new companion! Her name is Hermana Crandall (even though she doesn't have her Spanish tags yet so she is still Sister Crandall). She was an English missionary but she just got "translated" (President Wilson's favorite joke) into the Spanish speaking program, AKA Zion, AKA Sion! She's been out not quite five months. She took 3 semesters of Spanish at BYU and she is super smart so I barely even have to teach her anything. She understands most everything and can say a lot. So yeah, she is my adopted child because she was already trained by someone. We're just always searching for more people to teach!
Oh, and in two weeks, we're getting a sister from Temple Square, a native Spanish speaker! Or so I heard. I don't remember the name, but I do remember it sounding Hispanic. And it was President Wilson that told me they were coming (we're getting two for the mission) and he told me they are both native speakers. So yeah, that will help out the good old Espanol a lot, hopefully.
So I doubt you know about the Temple Square thing. Allow me to explain.
In the Temple Square mission, apparently all the sisters (there are only sisters) go to a random state-side mission for 3 months (2 transfers) of their mission.
Yup. That's what I understand about it. It is a bit confusing. But yeah. Weird.
I did get the package, Mother. It was lovely! Thanks! And the GPS arrived just in time. It was Saturday after transfer meeting and I had just gotten back home with my new companion and the whole time I was so worried that I didn't know where anything was or how to get there and I would just get us SO lost and waste all the miles for the month, and then there is a package sitting on the front steps. I almost didn't open it til the night time, because I didn't think about there being a GPS in there, but luckily I did, and found a beautiful GPS waiting for me! It was the best. 
So speaking of transfer meeting, they moved it to Saturday. OH MY GOSH VIRGINIA, IT IS TIME TO GET OVER YOUR RIDICULOUS FEAR OF SNOW!!! We got like 3 or 4 inches and school was cancelled for 3 days, they moved transfer meeting, and mission cars were grounded. And none of the members would give us a ride because they said it was too dangerous.  But luckily we finally made it to transfer meeting. I really miss Hermana Horton, she is the best, but I am excited to be companions with Hermana Crandall and the new Hermana when she comes!
Hmmm.... Not much else happened this week. Most of it was Hermana Horton saying tearful goodbyes to everyone (she had been in this area 6 months!!) and everyone cancelling on us because of the snow. But oh well. It was still a great week and the Lord had blessed us a lot!
I decided to start reading the Book of Mormon from the beginning again and as I was reading the very first verse, I noticed that he says, "and having seen many afflictions in the course of my days, nevertheless, having been highly favored of the Lord in ALL my days..." I really liked that. He didn't say he was highly favored of the Lord in all the days except the hard ones, or all the ones where his bow broke, or all the ones where he was tied up to a ship mast in the middle of a gigantic storm, or all the ones where his brothers tried to kill him, or all the ones except the ones where all his appointments cancelled on him. He recognized that trials are a blessing from the Lord to help us grow stronger. I liked that lots.
Well, have a lovely week, keep looking for missionary opportunities, keep studying, praying and going to church, and enjoy life! Love you all!

Hermana Emily Pratt

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