Monday, February 10, 2014

So I learned last night that Hermana Horton is leaving me here in Mechanicsville! The rest of our district got the call at like 8 and it was like 10:15 and we still hadn't gotten the call, so we thought we were staying together in Mechanicsville. But then President calls us and tells Hermana Horton that she is going to go finish someone's training somewhere and that I am staying here. And guess what? I'm adopting an English baby and teaching them Spanish! Apparently they've already been trained, but they've been in the English program and they are getting transferred into Spanish. I think I might have met her at the Spanish meeting. They didn't say the name, but I was working with this one English sister that was just randomly there. She spoke really good Spanish already, because she had taken a bunch of Spanish in school and stuff. I was impressed. And so I'm guessing it's her, but I could be wrong. I don't remember her name, but she was super nice.
But yeah. I can't remember anything that happened this week.
Oh wait. We had a sweet miracle this week. A while back we'd found this cute lady named M in a trailer park and we had one lesson with her and then she wasn't there for our next lesson so we went by a couple days later and this boy answered the door (we thought he was like 16 but he was really only 13) and told us she doesn't live there anymore. So we asked his name and asked if he and his parents would be interested in a message about Jesus Christ. He was super reluctant and was just the usual he-doesn't-want-to-tell-us-no answer, "Yeah, maybe... I'll have to ask my mom... But she's not home right now." So we asked if there was a time we could come back, so we set an appointment and figured his mom was just going to tell us no for him, or be super uninterested. But we went back and she let us in and we were like, "So have you heard of the church before?" And she was like, "Yeah, I used to have missionaries over all the time. I have two movies from you guys, the one about when Jesus come to the earth and the one about Joseph Smith. I've read a lot of the book they gave me, the blue one. I went to church a few times and I went to the big, beautiful church in Washington DC." We were like, "The temple?!" and she was like, "Yeah, that. I visited there." And by now our jaws are just like hanging on the ground. But she didn't remember a lot of what they taught because she hadn't talked to the missionaries in like 3 years, because she had started having to work on Sundays, so she couldn't come to church anymore, and she moved, so they lost contact.  So we taught her and her son the Restoration and when we asked them to pray to know it is true, she was like, "I already know it is true. I felt the spirit so strong when the other missionaries taught me and it was just a really amazing feeling. And I felt it again today, when you talked about Joseph Smith." And it was just amazing. We walked out of there like, "What just happened?!"
I just want to congratulate those other missionaries that originally taught her, because they taught her fantastically, and planted a big old seed in her heart and it wasn't her time then and I don't know if it is her time now (I hope so!!) but they did a great job and she loves us and is much more open to hearing the Gospel now. We really never know where people are going to go or what effect we can have on people, even if they don't seem to be ready to change now, we can pave the way for others to finish our work when they are ready.
We saw M and E yesterday. We hadn't seen them in a couple weeks, because they called and cancelled one Saturday, then the next they weren't home, and then yesterday we went by and we didn't think they'd be home but we didn't have much to do so we knocked on their door and we had knocked once with nothing, so we knocked again and still nothing. Then there was this like car that creepily drove by behind us and we were watching it and just as it drove around the corner and we were like, "That was creepy..." The door opens and it made like a loud sound and we both jumped so high and it scared E and he was apologizing a ton for scaring us. He felt so bad. he is so cute. I'm pretty sure I told you about them, right?
But anyways, I'd better go. Not a lot more happened this week. Love you all!
Have a lovely day/week!

Hermana Emily Pratt

P.S. So we have a mouse in our house. Actually, we're pretty sure more than one. It just runs back and forth between a crack under the dishwasher and the fridge and under the oven. And it is like fearless. We were like weekly planning five feet away (and not being very quiet, I might add) and it just kept sneaking back and forth, and Hermana Horton would see it an scream, which would scare me, so I would scream, so it's not like the mouse could possible be unaware of us. But yeah. So we're going to have to get some mouse traps. Ugh.

Bye, love you!

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