Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Day I gained 25 pounds

The size of each of the plates we had for "Thanksgiving dinner" 

So this week nothing at all really happened. Hermana Chambers wasn't feeling well all week and then on Saturday I started getting sick. On Sunday I was like dying. And also today. I just have a horribly stuffy nose and lots of congestion and basically I'm just a disease right now. But I really hope to be better very soon because this week is a mission-wide finding competition. And I love finding, it is one of my favorite things. Hermana Chambers doesn't really like it, but I love it so it is a good reason to get out and find extra this week. So keep me in your prayers so I can get better, because we haven't found any strong new investigators for like 3 or four weeks and the work is kind of slowing down. So yeah, we hope to get lots.

So for Thanksgiving, we thought we were only going to have the one dinner with S and O at 6:30, but then on Tuesday the C's invited us over at 1:00 an we were excited. Then on Wednesday the Elders texted us and told us the A's had invited us over at 3:30. Then on Thursday we got a ride with the other Hermana's and they had another dinner at 8:00 and there wouldn't be time to drop us off. So I had four Thanksgiving dinners. I have never eaten so much food in my life. I was trying to save room because I knew I had a long way to go, but I was comfortably full after the first dinner. It was delicious. And definitely the most American. They had turkey, potatoes and gravy, Kale (which was interesting), sweet potatoes, pumpkin bread, etc. And a delicious desert that one of their little girls made. And they were the only ones that let us serve ourselves, besides the very last one. Then we went to the A's. They served us each a heaping plate with turkey and ham and salad (which is super rare in the Hispanic world) with rice and sweet potatoes and stuff. Then we played some fun games, like fruit basket and signs and "se murio Juan" which is that game where you have to not show your teeth at all so you have to talk to people with your lips covering your teeth and say, "se murio Juan!" (which is like "Juan died" ...Sort of.) and then you have to react and try to get the other person to laugh and yeah. It was super fun and I was very grateful for the small break we had. 
Then we went to S's house. They had a few other ward members there that they had invited (I'm surprised their house didn't explode - 8 missionaries plus 3 kids plus 6 adults all in a fairly small apartment thing) They had some turkey that was delicious, some rice, and this weird like potato and beet thing that I just couldn't bring myself to eat. When I sat down and there was a giant glob of bright pink stuff that looked just like mom's puke jello that no one likes, I couldn't do it. I did try a few bites and it wasn't terrible, the color was just really disconcerting and my stomach was already packed. They also gave us this super delicious drink that was like a bunch of like fruits and it was hot like cider and it had pieces of sugar cane that you chew on and it was awesome. Also, their little son K remembers my name still from when I taught him like my first transfer. Then we went to J and A's house. They are having the hardest time ever right now but they are so faithful. They are super inspiring. But they invited the Hermana's to Thanksgiving dinner anyways along with a couple from the ward that is getting married in a couple weeks and two nonmember friends. He had us teach a lesson to his nonmember friends and then bore a super powerful testimony to them. The Elders are going to teach them. 

And yeah, basically it was a super great Thanksgiving. All the people were awesome, it was fun hanging out with other missionaries and ward members in a more relaxed way, and we ate SO MUCH FOOD. We were eating from 1:00 to 9:30 without stopping. But it was worth it. 

Oh we will probably set up the Christmas tree that is in our house today. Hopefully it is a Christmas tree and not just a Christmas tree box. That would be unfortunate. I've really been enjoying the Christmas music lots. I also really miss Christmas movies. I watched Mr. Krueger's Christmas because that is one of the few movies I can watch and it made me think of you, mom. You and your hallmark movies. I'm excited to watch some with you next year! :)

I'm really glad I'm only missing one Christmas and one birthday on my mission. That is really good timing. Speaking of which, this week is my 6-month-mark. How weird is that?!! Time has been flying. I cannot even wrap my head around the concept that I only have one year left. Exactly one year from tomorrow I will be on a plane home. Super weird. Time seriously does not exist on the mission. 
Well, let me know how things are going with you all! I'm excited to hear from you at Christmas and whatnot! It will be great. Love you!
Hermana Emily Pratt

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