Tuesday, December 24, 2013


"Dad, I won"  (after breaking the wishbone we sent her from our turkey)

80's hair!

So this week has been super boring. Almost everything cancelled on us. We had like fifteen lessons planned and we weren't expecting all of them to happen because they never do, but we only got four lessons this week, and five with less actives/recent converts. So this week we've been doing lots of tracting. 

So lately I have had a lot of questions about revelation through dreams. I don't know if the hispanics are rubbing off on me or what, but I've been having some crazy dreams. But the really crazy things are the dreams I had before my mission. Then I got here to the mission and a lot of the dreams I remember very clearly from before took place in some of the random places I've seen on my mission. Like houses, fields, shops, etc. It is super crazy. Like one dream I had was like the scene of a zombie apocalypse sort of thing and then in my first transfer I drove past the house and I remembered in the dream when I saw it that there was a super pretty river to the right. So I looked over and there was the river, before I had even seen it in real life! And tons of other stuff just like that. And also, the strangest one was that I had a dream, either before my mission or very early on (like MTC), that I was helping this woman and her family move in around Christmas time. And then a couple weeks ago we were tracting and we met the same lady, and her family, and all the details that were in my dream were mentioned. We didn't actually help her move in, but we talked about it, and she told us her husband spoke a bit of spanish, and in my dream he did too, and her two kids were playing dress up in both, and just a lot of other crazy things. Also I had a dream about a house that we saw the other day and we've been knocking that house a couple times. In my dream we met the family, so we keep trying that one. But once again, the details in real life were the same as in my dream. Does anyone have experience or know anything about revelation through dreams? I haven't had a lot of experience with it before my mission, but now it's like I get a new one every day! Seriously. It is weird. And I'm pretty sure Hermana Chambers thinks I'm crazy. Well, not really. But kind of. 
Anyways. If anyone knows anything, let me know.

Christmas on the mission really is great. We never have all the distractions removed like this again. This is the only Christmas I have to really focus only on Christ and serving others and I have loved it so far! Something that President Wilson said that I loved: "If we make this Christmas about us, it will be a terrible Christmas. But if we make this Christmas about others, it will be the best Christmas ever!"
He is great. Oh yeah, we had a mission conference this week that was great, also. We had missionary speakers that each talked about one of the Christlike attributes in Preach my Gospel and in between each one there was a beautiful musical number. Hermana Chambers did one, she played the violin. She is so cool! That's my companion!
Also, we all sang the EFY medley (twice) and everyone was like weeping. It was so funny, it was right before the prayer and the whole prayer was interspersed with sniffles and stuff. President and Sister Wilson kept getting all choked up during the song. But it really was powerful. 300 missionaries singing that song is really something cool. 
Also they gave us a stalker book, with everyones pictures, home addresses and phone number. And full names. Some of them are hilarious. But yeah. The pictures (starting with my group; the groups before had a photographer) are horrible. On our very first day, after waking up at 2:30 and packing and being on a plane and being super stressed out and everything is new and crazy and stuff; at the end of that day, they pulled us all aside and took our picture. Seriously? So a lot of the pictures aren't the greatest. Mine is unfortunate. But oh well.
Well, anyways. I hope you all have a very merry Christmas! Remember the reason we have Christmas. I've been reading all the past Christmas devotionals and they are fantastic. I want you all to go read them. One part I liked from the last one, from Pres Monson (he's great), "To catch the true meaning of Christmas, we need only remove the last syllable, and it becomes the Spirit of Christ." 
Love you all! Talk to some of you soon! :D

Hermana Emily Ann Pratt

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