Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Sickness & Freezing Rain

So this week I had a horrible cold that really slowed us down a lot. I couldn't go to appointments for the first half of the week because all of our investigators have kids and work and stuff and I really didn't want to get anyone sick. Also I was just like dead. And Hermana Chambers still wasn't feeling great either. But I'm much better now, so we're doing our "week of finding" this week because we really need new investigators. We started knocking Sunrise apartments, and Suburban Village, which is a trailer park. We spend lots of time in them. We were trying to contact a referral from some English Elders that they gave us ages ago that we haven't been able to contact, and she lives in this super nice neighborhood.  But I was there, and the houses were probably about the size of our house, or maybe a bit bigger, but not out of the ordinary at all. But to me they seemed HUGE. Like, why would anyone need that much room ever? We meet like 8-12 person families living in a 10'-30' trailer and they are happy. It is way too crowded and I used to have a bit of a panic attack in places like that, but now it seems normal. For the most part. And then we see these like single white people in a six-bedroom house that is super flashy and nice and it just seems backward to me. But oh well. It was just something I noticed the other day.

Mom, we don't have iPads yet. We can't do facebook. But we're supposed to be getting them next year, along with iPhones.

I got  the copies you sent me of Annie's blog letter, and Brooke's. They are funny! It is so interesting to see how different each mission is. It sounds like Brooke never teaches in Spanish, and I only teach in Spanish. And Annie is just in a different part of the world... I didn't starve on Thanksgiving! I thought I was going to explode! Oh well. I don't mind. We've already been invited to 2 things on Christmas Eve. Already. And one on Christmas. I hope not to explode on that day. Pray for me. 

That is so sweet about the little boy at Walmart! Little kids are the greatest. They all love the missionaries and they all want to talk to us. They are usually the ones that remember our names. 

So you know what is funny? Our little recent convert, Said. We went over there, but Elba (his mom) wasn't home, it was only him and his dad and Korina and the other kids. And usually we would go inside, because Korina is a responsible adult basically, but we found out they have to be over 18. And we were just outside and at first Said is usually pretty irritable when we first come over that he has to stop whatever he is doing but he always warms up. We were asking him if he'd read the Book of Mormon and stuff and mentioned the temple trip that was coming up and he was SO jealous that Korina could go in and he couldn't. Their 11 year old cousin (I think) was there and Said was like, "You're lucky! You can go to the temple soon!" and we were like, "Actually you have to be baptized." and Said was like, "Well, he's so much closer! All he has to do is get baptized and then he can go in in like a year." and it was really cute. Then he realized we were just standing outside and he was like, "Come in! Don't be cold!" and we're like, "Oh, we can't, it's a rule..." and he was like, "Don't be shy!" And it was just really funny coming from this little 9 year old boy. And another time we went by and Elba wasn't there and we had a conversation something like, "You guys can come in." "Actually, we can't if there isn't a woman." "Korina is here." "It has to be an adult." "Come in." "We still can't." "Come in!" "Said, it's a rule." Come in!!" and then finally Korina just stepped outside to talk to us and shut the door. And Said stuck his head out and kept telling us to just come in. It was cute. He's a funny one.
They went to the temple on Saturday! We haven't seen them yet, but Said and Korina both went and Said was going to go to the Visitors center with some investigator families and Korina did baptisms! It is so exciting! I am really sad that I couldn't go with them. Why does the temple have to be so far away? I miss it lots. I am going to go lots when I get home.

Yesterday there was freezing rain all day. It was super pretty (I was going to take pictures but I forgot). Unfortunately that meant church was cancelled and the missionaries can't drive, which in this area means we just have to stay inside and study all day. I finished Jesus the Christ (Yay!) and started reading True to the Faith. It is such a cool book! It is just very simple and clearly laid out as to like everything we believe. I gave mine to an investigator that wanted one, but I stopped by the office and got a new one. The old one had my name in it though... Including my first name... Now they know my name... Scandalous!

Well, anyways. It's been a pretty good week. Super boring, just hanging out inside all week, but good. I look forward to getting your packages so I can put them under the tree and such!! :)
Love you! Have a great week!
Hermana Emily Pratt

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