Monday, December 16, 2013

Guys. Christmas is coming up. How exciting!!!

No, I haven't gotten my haircut yet. I think I'll probably have to get it cut soon. At least into a grow-outable style, because I don't think I'm going to cut it again. It is getting long. Or so people keep telling me. It's probably like four or five inches longer. I don't know, I haven't measured. But it is getting long. I straightened it yesterday, and it is starting to cover up my tag and stuff, like a lot of other sisters. Sister missionary problems!

Dad, the other day I thought of a Knight and Day quote, but now I can't remember it. I enjoyed the Thor quote. It is so good! I always think of Thor quotes and sometimes I say them out loud, but no one gets them. So I just sound super awkward. Oh well. 
My awkward radar has been dwindling rapidly. I like barely even think anything is awkward anymore. I'm just always talking to Hispanics and Southern people and being like, Hey, I'm in your trailer in a dress and I can't speak your language very well. Want to hear about Jesus and how he can bless your life and family? And it's like not even weird anymore. I am most definitely going to be one of those super awkward and weird returned missionaries, so just get ready. 
Speaking of that, the other day Hermana Chambers and I were talking, and we were just like talking about how unfortunate it is going to be to have to date again and not repel boys and such and how we're going to have to find husbands and such. If any of you have seen the District, when Elder Moreno and Elder Christensen are teaching German about Chastity and they teach it really bad and he thinks it means you can't date, and Elder Moreno is just like, "You can definitely date, I'm dating when I get home, I'll never get married if I don't date." And he was like laughing a bit when he said it, but after he finishes, his smile just like drops off his face and there is a visible gulp; and you just know he was thinking, "Oh shoot... I have to date..." and when we first saw it we were laughing at him and stuff, like, "Oh my gosh, what a loser." But now we are both just like, "I totally understand! I feel just like that!" 
And then the next day Hermana Chambers was just like, "Hermana Pratt. I was thinking last night; and I think that being alone with a boy again is going to be the most uncomfortable thing of my life." And it is so true! There is always at least two other women around when we talk to guys. After my mission, someone is going to leave me alone with a boy and I'm going to like start hyperventilating and probably start screaming and run out of the room. If that happens, you know why. So yeah, basically I am just really not excited to have to date again and I have to actually try to not repel men. Man, that's going to be unfortunate.

So this investigator that we had been starting to think of dropping because she hadn't been progressing came to church!  We had a perfect member present with her on Wednesday night.  Like, really perfect.  I wanted to hurry and cal the people that filmed the District and get them in there.  It was about acting on faith, and it was a person we hadn't really used before, because we had tried a couple times and she was always busy.  But this time we got her to come and she shared a beautiful experience about how she and her neighbor were arguing and so she prayed for he Lord to take away her bad feelings and stuff but then she also did something about it and served the neighbor and like brought her flowers and cookies and it was all resolved.  Then our investigator told us how the exact same thing was happening to to her and her sister and she didn't know what to do.  The Spirit was so strong and there was so much love from the invite  And also the member followed up on Sunday and I saw them talking to her and stuff.  It was so great.  Miracles are real.  Especially with exact obedience.  I had an experience this morning where I was exhausted, more than usual, and so after getting up for a minute or two at  6:30 I got back in bed and was about to go back to sleep for a while, but then I just felt the Spirit whisper to me, "If you do this you will be breaking your covenants. "  And right before that I was thinking about how great it was to take the Sacrament again and renew my covenants with God  And so that just hit me really hard.  Also, there are a lot of parts in my Patriarchal blessing that ties a lot of great things to keeping my covenants.  So it was really powerful.  Needless to say, I got up and got ready.  It was good!

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