Saturday, June 29, 2013

Sleep Walking.......??

Hola. How's life? 
So last week and the first half of this week was the New Mission President's seminar, and I got to meet my mission president and his wife! They are way cool. Their names are the Wilson's. It made me even more excited to get out into the mission field!
Yeah, the thing on Sunday was cool. It was more about members than missionaries, but it was cool to sing in the choir and stuff. Even though they didn't show me or Hermana Dangerfield. Psh. I did spot us from afar though, in the big shot with everyone, but I'm sure you won't be able to.
The guy who gave the opening prayer, Elder Ludlow, was one of my zone leaders. They left on  Monday but they were hilarious. They are like the most random funny guys ever but they had an awesome spiritual side too. And then he got called out by Elder Holland! Funny funny.
It was way exciting to see the Petersens! And random. I want to see the picture!

The devotional on Tuesday was cool. The speakers were Janice Kapp Perry (who wrote most of the children's songbook and stuff) and her husband. It was really funny, she was talking about how they met, and she told us the first line he used on her. She was about to go up and play a clarinet in a band or something, in college, and he leaned over and said, "Those lips look like they were meant for more than playing a clarinet." And everyone laughed of course. Then, in real life, he walked up to her and kissed her, right on the mouth. It was hilarious. As he was walking back to his seat, he did a fist pump. The whole entire Marriot center went crazy. It was hilarious. Old people are the greatest. It was a really good devotional.

So want to hear my scary story of the week? I thought you might. So one day I was in the bathroom and I saw some glasses that looked just like mine on the counter. I was like, "Oh, that's odd, someone has the same glasses as me. The night before, I remembered having this weird dream about wandering around my room and stuff and like talking to someone or something (and it felt like I had just gotten back from somewhere) and I went over to my bed and was about to get in it, but I touched the pillow and I was like, "This isn't my bed..." So I went over to mine and got in and fell asleep. It felt like way real though. Like usually you can't feel anything in dreams and stuff but I felt like I could actually touch stuff and things. It was weird.  The next night I took out my contacts and I went to put on my glasses and the case was there, but my glasses weren't inside. I hadn't worn my glasses in a couple days, but I knew they were in the case the day before. So I went over to the lost and found and they weren't there. I was starting to panic when I suddenly had this prompting to go look in the bathroom. I went in there and sure enough, those glasses were still there. I tried them on and they were indeed my glasses. I was really weirded out. I was wondering how they possibly could have gotten there, when I remembered that weird dream I had about wandering about the room and stuff.  So there you have it, folks. Either someone decided to steal my glasses from a locked room and put them on the bathroom counter, or I just had my first recorded instance of sleepwalking. Scary!

We've been learning tons and tons of Spanish and how to teach by the Spirit and things. It is way cool. I'm really excited to get out of the MTC though. You get extremely tired of the same square mile of space for this long. We only get occasional trips to the temple or the field.
Can you believe it has already been almost a month since I've been out here? I only have 17 months left! It's crazy. Time doesn't exist here. It seems like it drags by super slowly, but at the same time, I find it hard to believe I've already been here a month! 
But I know if the Gospel wasn't every bit true as it is, I wouldn't still be here. This past month has been extremely hard, tiring in every way and basically the picture of stress, and yet I am happy. I love teaching people the Gospel, even if they aren't real investigators. I am SO excited to get out into the field and bring people to the knowledge of the truth. There is no way I could learn Spanish this fast without divine help. Especially those people that have had zero Spanish experience that are learning everything too! It is so crazy! And you get to feel the Spirit all the time, which is the main cause of my happiness. While teaching I can feel it pushing me in certain directions that I wouldn't ever think to go, or say things I didn't know I knew how to say, and all these incredible things that just could not possibly be coming from me. After the lessons, the "investigators" give us feedback and sometimes they mention how that was just what they needed to hear and stuff. It is crazy cool.
I know without any doubt in my mind that this Gospel is true. Satan is trying to break me down and make me quit but I have God on my side. I literally cannot lose when He is there for me. It is like all the stories with Captain Moroni and the stripling warriors and stuff, how they won every single battle when they were faithful, but when their faith started to slip, that is when the Lamanites started to win. I know that if I can stay strong and faithful, the Lord will be on my side. You should all read D&C 103:5-7. It is my favorite scripture and it talks a lot about this.
Well, anyways. I'd better go. Adios!

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