Saturday, July 6, 2013

Down time...

Hermana Pratt & Hermana Dangerfield out in the real world at a doctor's appointment

Where does Emily gets her photogenic qualities (Ryan & Shawn????)

So this week has been an odd one. For the first half of the week, for like three or four days, Hermana Dangerfield was sick, so neither of us could go to class. That was unfortunate. It was nice to rest, but it gets extremely boring just sitting there all day. I never realized what a luxury it was to be able to just sit down and watch a movie when you're sick. And it was worse because I felt fine, so I was especially bored. But oh well.
Hermana Dangerfield's mom sent us both a package. my part had a nice note in it, some lovely stationary, some candy, and like a HUGE bag of neopolitan taffy. We brought it to class and shared it with the whole district and it still isn't gone.
We went to the health clinic 8 times in three days. 8 times. First one for Hermana Dangerfield to set her appointment, then again later for her appointment. Then I decided to set one while I was there for my foot because I've been having trouble bending my third toe for some reason. Well, I can bend it, it just hurts. So then we went back again for my appointment. The doctor told me he had no idea what was wrong with it, so he could either send me to the podiatrist or just hope it gets better on its own. And that was all Monday.
The next day Hermana Dangerfield still wasn't feeling well so we went back to the health clinic and set another appointment. While we were there one of the secretaries leaned over to another one and was like, "Have you talked to an Emily Pratt lately?" It took me a minute because I haven't heard my first name in like a month, but I was like, "Oh that's me!" and then someone made me fill out some forms and stuff and set an appointment for the next day at 1:30. We left and then later we went back again for Hermana Dangerfield's appointment. It took ages because they had to take some of her blood and stuff. It was probably about an hour just sitting in the waiting room. I was talking to some Elders and on of them had lived in Maryland, which, if you remember your geography, is right by Virginia. Hermana Dangerfield set another appointment for later that day to see the results of her blood test or whatever it was. 

We went back for Hermana Dangerfield's appointment and she was fine.
The next day we went to where the shuttle picks people up at 2:55, after hosting some new missionaries in some thousand degree weather, and went to the foot doctor. There were 8 missionaries in the clinic throughout the time we were there. He took some x-rays of my foot to see if there was a stress fracture, which there wasn't. (Apparently some other bone had been fractured a long time ago though that we never noticed. Who knew. But that wasn't the problem) He said it is probably something with the soft tissue or something. No one really knows. But he gave me a prescription and some instructions to soak it in alternating hot and cold water half an hour twice a day (when I'm supposed to do that I haven't really worked out yet, I only have some time right before bed).
Then we got back and the health clinic was about to close so we ran up there and had them fax the prescription to the BYU health clinic and got some basins to put water in. We got on another shuttle to the place where they filled my prescription and then the shuttle never came to pick us up so we just walked back.
Anyways, that was my adventure of the week. Got to leave the MTC for a while, health clinic 8 times (I may have forgotten to write about a time but oh well) and yeah.

So for the fourth of July we went to a devotional of sorts where we sang some patriotic songs very loudly and then watched 17 Miracles. It was good but super sad. Then we went outside and watched Stadium of Fire from afar. Curfew was extended til 11. It was exciting. Unfortunately we were all super tired yesterday because of it. But oh well.

Our room is really crowded right now because half of the district ahead of us got extended because they are waiting for Visas. They got reassigned to Washington. There are 12 people in our tiny little room! Probably 13 on Tuesday. Ugh.
So today is Hermana Bryan's (our other teacher) last day with us. Her brother is coming home so she is going to Las Vegas for our last week. We got her a journal and are going to write nice stuff in it for her. Our last lesson with Camila (AKA Hermana Bryan) went really well. She is getting baptized (So is Everardo) and we asked her to share her testimony with us and she did; it was really powerful. Simple, but often those are more powerful than the elaborate ones.

I am really excited to finally start teaching real investigators! I cannot wait to get out into the field. I am sick of the MTC but I'm really going to miss my district. They are just like my family. But when I get out there I'll finally be living a real life, outside of the square mile of the MTC! That's exciting. But my testimony has been growing tons and my faith and trust in God has been as well. This is a fantastic experience for me and I'm working on enjoying every minute of it. It is a big challenge, but I'm learning so much and growing so fast! I never knew how much I could cram into my head in such a short amount of time without exploding. The only explanation is divine help.

I love the Gospel and I love teaching it! I can't wait to finally be teaching real people that actually don't know the truth. My Spanish is getting way better, I can understand pretty much the things that people say, and get a point across pretty well.

AHHH this is so exciting! I have to go though. Bye, love you all!

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