Saturday, July 13, 2013

Hola! So our district took some pictures on our temple walk last week. I don't think Hermana Fisher is in them, or Hermana Beckstrand, because Hermana Fisher has been sick for like a week. She actually got extended a week because she's still sick. It's super unfortunate. There must be some reason she needs to stay...
Temple Day

District on Temple Day

Notice how everyone looks "normal" except our sweet Emily!

So this picture is of part of the list of side effects from the drugs the doctor gave me that are supposed to help my feet. You probably can't read it, but it says, "Psychic derangements may appear when corticosteroids are used, ranging from euphoria, insomnia, mood swings, personality changes, and severe depression to (my favorite) frank psychotic manifestations. Also, existing emotional instability or psychotic tendencies my be aggravated by corticosteroids."
So, no frank psychotic manifestations yet (for the most part) but if you hear of a missionary just going crazy, you'll know what happened. Haha jk, jk. But I thought it was funny.

Side effect sheet from foot medication

So they just reorganized our branch presidency and guess who is our first (or second, I can't remember) counselor? President Monson's nephew. He talks and moves and stuff just like President Monson, but younger. He looks kind of like him too, but he has no hair. He went to Chile on his mission, and apparently they talk really fast and really slurred there, so he totally Spanished us. Also, he quoted like a million scriptures to us in his testimony last fast Sunday, just from memory. Like long passages. It was crazy.
Yesterday was In-Field Training. It was pretty much the same stuff we've been getting for the past six weeks (work with members, listen to the investigators, find new people, get referrals, etc) but for 10 hours straight. And I was super sore the whole day because I did lunges all around our whole residence, so every time we sat down for like an hour I would be ridiculously sore again. I felt like an old person. Oh well.

I'm so excited for the field! I finally get to go teach real people! In Spanish! I'M SO EXCITED!

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