Monday, July 29, 2013

HEEEEYYYYYY!!!!!! (To be said in my customary "hey" voice)

Just after we got assigned our companions and areas and such, we had a lesson like half an hour after the meeting ended, at the same church.  The investigators's name is Enrique.  He's had one lesson before and apparently didn't seem that interested, but he went to church on Sunday and now he's way interested. You're never going to believe this, but I challenged him to baptism after we watched The Restoration video, and he said he wants to!  He said he wants to read the Book of Mormon first and learn more, but he's preparing to be baptized on August 17th.  Super exciting!

We're going to the zoo today!!! And Panda Express!! Best day ever. 

This week has been good! I love knocking doors, which is apparently unusual, but oh well. Too bad. I still like it. Except when it is super hot outside, which is usually. But when it cools down it is awesome.
So we've been getting some rain here. And when it rains here, it is like torrential. It is so cool. One second it will be overcast, the next it is like someone turned a fire hose on. Luckily we are car missionaries, not foot or bike missionaries. But still. Oh well.
Well, I don't have much else to say about this week. I will probably have more next week, but yeah. I'm super hungry and it is distracting me. Oh well. Too bad. 
It's been a great week though! The church is still true. Don't worry. I've been reading Hymns lately and the Lyrics to them are awesome. I also sometimes translate Spanish hymns and that is really lovely too.
So my Spanish is coming. I like it. I can understand people a lot of the time. And sometimes respond. Usually it makes sense (hopefully).

A "cute bug"

Emily and a "lovely lion"  Apparently there are lots of lions in Virginia!

Emily & Annie Fitt at the MTC Bookstore - Annie is in our ward and has her mission call to Washington State, leaving in October! 

At the mission home

So in our study room window, between the screen and the glass, we have a pet spider.  His name is Frederick.  Apparently he's been there for like a month.  He is pretty much nocturnal, so before bed you can always watch him catching and wrapping various bugs and eating them.  I woke up and watched him wrap and eat a moth thing that was like three times his size.  Beneath his web are lots of dry corpses.  In this picture he is eating a large wasp.

Hermana Pratt & Hermana Dangerfield just before leaving the MTC

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