Saturday, June 8, 2013

4 Days at the MTC


Como estas? Today is my fourth day at the MTC. It's really early and I'm more tired today than I have been any other day I've been here. Hopefully someday I'll get used to it. Hopefully.

So here is a basic outline of my schedule. We usually get up and shower and stuff at like 6. Breakfast is at 6:45 (way too early) and then we usually go do something in the classroom. Personal study or language study usually. We stay there til lunch which is at like 12:10ish. Then we go back to the classroom til dinner at 4:00 or 5:00. Then it's back to the classroom til like 9:00 or 9:30. Oh and we exercise somewhere in there. Sometimes at the gym and sometimes at our room. We had to watch this gym orientation video and it was hilarious. It was way cheesy.  

The classes and stuff have been good! They are really interesting and I've learned a LOT about Spanish. My three years of Spanish are starting to come back to me. My companion didn't know any Spanish but she is picking it up really quick too. 

So yesterday we taught our first "investigator." En Espanol. *cue weird face from me* But actually it didn't go too bad. He talked a lot and pretty slowly and repeated things if we didn't understand them right away. His name is Carlos. And we got to bring notes and stuff as well, so that was lovely. Mostly it was just scary because on our second day here we'd had all of one Spanish class, where we only learned a how to introduce ourselves and pray, they were just like, "Hey guess what!? You're going to be teaching your first investigator tomorrow." And we were all a bit nervous, but we thought it was pretty do-able until they added, "In Spanish." That was about when all the panic started. And you know I tend not to stress much until everyone else does. Except I probably would have been worried about this anyways. But not as much. 
But yeah like I said, he was really nice and very helpful. I just feel bad that he had to try to decipher what we were saying because I'm sure the grammar was atrocious.

My district has four elders and six hermanas. All the elders and two of the hermanas are going to McCallan Texas, and two were supposed to be going to Peru but their visas aren't here yet. Then me and my companion are both going to Virginia. All of us are speaking Espanol. Everyone is lovely. Luckily everyone is starting to relax because for the first couple days I would make a joke or just say anything in general besides how nervous I was or where I was going, everyone would give me this scandalized look like I had just told them to go die in a hole. But yeah, they are starting to relax and I think they are starting to get used to my odd sense of humor. Lucky them. 

Well, I'll be off. Adios! Te amo!

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