Monday, August 19, 2013

Ward differences....

We got fed three times this week, which is way more than normal. It is all thanks to the Elders in my district. They took the food calendar around and acted super pathetic like they were starving and everyone was like, "Aww, pobrecitos!" (Poor things!) and now like a bunch of people signed up. But still it isn't as much as a lot of places. A lot of areas get fed at least once a day. Which I actually don't think I would want. But still.

Prayers really do work Dad! That is a great testimony builder. I have a similar experience here. I hate it when it is just so hot and stuff, so I've been praying for it to cool down and to rain lots and stuff and it has been probably only like 70 degrees for the most part and raining a little every day for the past week - ever since I started praying for it! Sweet, huh?

Want to hear a story? I thought so. 
So our ward is crazy. And it like runs on missionaries. For some reason, the bishop only trusts like a few families. There are like ten people that have like 5 callings and give all the talks and prayers (Also missionaries do every week) and then like thirty or so active, great people that really need a calling or something to do and have nothing. It is weird. Oh and the Bishop barely speaks Spanish, he is American.
But anyways. So this crazy white lady that doesn't speak Spanish that is only in the ward because her husband is the ward clerk is a Relief Society teacher. Now, relief society has some very... Interesting teachers. One of the lessons, for instance went like this: She started out by saying she hadn't read the lesson. She started the lesson, then a little ways in she asked, "How many of you actually read the lesson?" And nobody raised their hand, and she started fake crying, and started like chastising everyone because she couldn't believe she had to teach such unrighteous people. She was like, "I have read this whole book and I am so close to the Lord because of it. I call you all to repentance!" 
And so on and so forth. That is a typical lesson for this teacher.
Now, back to (The white lady). 
So the lesson was on this great talk from last general conference by Elder Bednar, called "We Believe in being Chaste."
She started out the lesson by showing people the STD pamphlets she had brought because she used to teach teenagers about this and stuff and telling people to take them so they could give them to every youth they knew pretty much and "educate them."
Oh, PS, Hermana Brown was translating this into Spanish for her as she was talking, so be sure that I did not misunderstand. Unfortunately.
Then, she started talking about Adam and Eve. And she went into this hypothetical thing, saying, "If Adam and Eve and been able to have children in the Garden of Eden, they would have gotten back to Heavenly Father, right?" and everyone sort of just like mumbled and Sister Jones was like, "So whose plan was it that everyone get back to live with Heavenly Father? Whose plan?" And everyone was just like, "...God's plan?" And she's like, "No! That's Satan's plan! Satan wanted everyone to get back to live with God in the Celestial kingdom!"
So there was some nice false doctrine going on (poor Hermana Brown was doing her best to subtly signal that this was wrong) and then Sister Jones started like ranting about the youth, and how boys are scum ("Every boy with go as far as the girl lets him go!") and stuff, and how parents don't know what their children are doing, and how they are just always trying to get away from their parents so they can hang out with boys and horrible things always happen.
Then she like calls out this guy by name. This poor kid that just left on his mission to Brazil, and she was like, "You all know him, he spoke in Stake Conference last month.  He came up to my daughter at a school dance and asked her if she wanted to go make out." Now, I don't believe this at all because her daughter is extremely shy and not that type of person at all. I doubt she was even at a dance, that's not really the type of thing she likes to do. 
Then she starts going off about how girls need to go to college with a useful major and not go to college to get married and waste your money and get an "MRS degree" because if they do that, they are just going to end up pregnant and on welfare every time. 
So yeah, that is a typical lesson for her. 
Well, at least we know everyone that comes must be REALLY faithful. 

But anyways, I'm running out of time. We hope to have another person on date soon, we're just waiting for her to get married to her less active (He's coming back now though) husband. They were waiting on his mom to be able to get papers to come here, and they brought her to church yesterday!! So hopefully on tuesday she'll tell us their ready to get married and baptized. Her name is Paty, by the way. She wants to get baptized so bad. She has been waiting so long for it and just waiting on Rafael and his mom and hopefully she'll finally be able to set a date!
Well, the church is still true. Love you all! Have a great day!
Hermana Emily Ann Pratt

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