Monday, August 12, 2013

My Schedule and other little tidbits

I've heard Utah is having like the hottest summer ever. Is it true? It can't be as hot as here though. Actually on the days it rains it isn't super hot (except it is) but on the days it doesn't it just makes you want to melt. 

Yes, there are tons of Subways (the fast food place) here. They are usually smaller, not as many stand-alone buildings, but they are still everywhere you look. In any place you could ever possibly want a sandwich, they put a subway. Actually, that's a lie. But if you want to eat a sandwich every mile or so you drive, Subway's got it covered.

Hahaha that is so funny with the bees! Dad, I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to side with Mom on her version of the story, despite your Knight and Day references. I can't remember half of the things you mention. My memories of everything like that are slipping. Including my memory of how to speak English (I just tried to spell that Inglish), which is bothering me. Things should just be spelled phonetically. I do agree that bees are filth though. They have ridiculously large and filthy colored ones here. Like black and red ones with their abdomens separated from their thoraxes with filthy strings of filth connecting them.
There is another spider that lives on our garage door that is also ridiculously large. It is kind of shaped like Frederick, but like three times bigger. We named it Kohor. And I imagine it speaking in the voice that Kohor has in the Testaments, trying to entice bugs into the house of Kohor. And then he eats them. It is such a large spider. But apparently not as large as the ones that infested the house before I got there. From what Hermana Brown describes, I think they were Brown Recluses. The house was uninhabited for 3 years before the missionaries started living in it. There was all sorts of terrors lurking there.

Thursday was car-fast day for the mission. We got a member to drive us to one appointment, but then she had to go somewhere so she dropped us off to visit someone like three miles from our house. They weren't home. So we walked all the way home in the blistering heat on roads with no sidewalks. I thought for sure I was going to get run over. Then we walked to a family's house who are in El Salvador for a few weeks and we're taking care of their plants and back. That was another mile or two. Lovely. I had zero liquid in my bones. Oh well. Who needs it?

So you said you wanted to know my daily routine, right? Well, here it is. 
I get up at 6:30 (ugh), exercise (well actually I'm not usually awake enough to do anything so I just do like stretches and stuff and sometimes sit ups) and then shower and stuff. We do personal study for an hour, companionship study for two hours because I'm getting trained (normally it is one hour) and then language study, then lunch. Then we go to various appointments/stalk referrals we got because it is harder to just tract out hispanics in America. Luckily my area has lots. But still. 
Then if we have time we go home for dinner, if not we just usually skip it because we don't have that much food. Unless we have a member dinner, which is often extremely unpredictable if it isn't scheduled. We only get like four or five a month, which is pretty low for our mission. It seems like people usually only feed us on the days we already ate stuff at our house. Every time. 
That is another problem. Our budget they give us for food and stuff is with the expectation that we get fed a lot more than we actually do, so we never have enough money in this area.  I have enough for food, but nothing else. Like soap and those other luxuries. Oh well. 
Then we usually come back and plan for the next day and go to bed. Lovely, isn't it?

So turns out that baby was named after me.  They blessed her yesterday and when I heard the name I just got the biggest smirk mid-prayer, sitting all by myself. I was sitting by someone, but they had to leave for something. 

The church is true! It is the best to help other people see it too :) I've been reading Jesus the Christ and it is fantastic to learn more about Him and His life. I've also started reading the New Testament today.  It is great.
Oh ps I have like two minutes left but all of you go read/listen to "They Saw Our Day." It is soooo crazy and it gives me goosebumps! It is about Indian tribes and various other people who have predictions of our day and like the second coming and histories and stuff and it is crazy cool. It is from a Mormon but given to non Mormon audiences so he doesn't actually relate it to the Book of Mormon but it totally is.
Love you all! Buenos Dias!

Hermana Pratt
Emily and Osman, Sofia and their daughter Michelle.  They are recent converts/ward missionaries
 that they visit a lot.  They are Kenyn's parents (see previous post)

Hermana Stoddard and a lion statue

Another Lion statue!

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