Monday, July 7, 2014

Roasted like peanuts....

This is a real moth that was on the door - if you can zoom in it is really cool!

Beautiful Virginia Tree
So once again, this will be a short letter. I've been doing some other stuff on the computer today. But It was a pretty good week! In some ways. We started off the week pretty well, then on Wednesday Hermana Heibert got really sick and it has been lasting all the rest of the week, and a lot of people cancelled and we had to cancel some people. But I got a lot of other stuff done and I bought some fun stuff last pday! I got a pack of four super cool disney puzzles to do and I love those. So I did those while she was sleeping and me and her had a puzzle race when she felt well enough to be vertical. She beat me. But to be fair she was well rested and I was super tired and my contacts were all dried out. Also she is just better at puzzles than me. But oh well.
On Tuesday we celebrated Canada Day with Hermana Hiebert. We went and got frozen yogurt at Sweet Frog. Delish!
On Wednesday our air conditioning broke. Which, in Virginia, is unacceptable. It broke on Wednesday, which was the day we were at home almost all day. It was like 70 at like noon and by about 8:00 it was 91. Downstairs. Upstairs, I'm pretty sure it was over 100. Plus humidity. We slept there that night (that was unfortunate) but then we went over and have been sleeping/mostly living at the mission home with President and Sister Wilson since Thursday. It has been pretty fun! But hopefully today they'll fix our air conditioning. The guy that normally does it has been out of town, so that's why they haven't done it yet. But it is a lot of fun hanging out with the Wilsons! For exercise Friday morning we played basketball with President, and we had dinner with them on Saturday and they invited us on Sunday as well but we already had a member dinner (which was also fun) so we didn't get to go to that one, but the Sisters went. Last night we had fresh baked brownies (still warm) with Blue Bell ice cream, which is like the most delicious brand ever. So that's been exciting. We've been sleeping in the Celestial kingdom (AKA all the way upstairs in a loft-type place). The beds are SUPER comfy. 
For the 4th of July Hermana Hiebert was super excited because it was only her 2nd time being here for it. She got some patriotic sugar cookies.
Well, I'm about to get kicked off. Sorry, I had a lot more I wanted to say! Hopefully I'll get back on in a bit, love you!

Hermana Pratt

Ok I got another computer, but I only have 15 minutes, so It'll have to be a shorty.
But I've had such good studies the past few days! I've been studying the temple in the scriptures and the covenants we make, especially the endowment. I looked it up in the topical guide and it just promises us so many blessings when we are faithful and receive the ordinances and keep our promises. It is so cool. I studied every scripture and for every one I wrote down my thoughts about it and rewrote it to relate it to me. It was a cool way to do it. This one was a cool one to relate to that:

 Verily thus saith the Lord unto you, my servant Lyman: Your sins are forgiven you, because you have obeyed my voice in coming up hither this morning to receive counsel of him whom I have appointed.
 Therefore, let your soul be at rest concerning your spiritual standing, and resist no more my voice.
 And arise up and be more careful henceforth in observing yourvows, which you have made and do make, and you shall be blessed with exceeding great blessings.
 Wait patiently until the solemn assembly shall be called of my servants, then you shall be remembered with the first of mine elders, and receive right by ordination with the rest of mine elders whom I have chosen.
 Behold, this is the promise of the Father unto you if you continue faithful.
 And it shall be fulfilled upon you in that day that you shall have right to preach my gospel wheresoever I shall send you, from henceforth from that time.
 Therefore, strengthen your brethren in all your conversation, in all your prayers, in all your exhortations, and in all your doings.
 And behold, and lo, I am with you to bless you and deliver you forever. Amen.

That scripture is D&C 108. I put my name and stuff in there, and changed elders to saints and it was sweet. Also I read my patriarchal blessing today, really slowly and thinking of myself as the person it describes in this section, someone worthy to stand before God in that day right up there with the chosen ones, and it made a lot more sense and a lot more promises stuck out to me that I haven't noticed before. Usually I think of myself as a fairly ordinary person, not as good as most other people, but not too bad, either. But trying to think of myself the way Heavenly Father sees me, with so much potential and so much worth, really changed my perspective and I encourage you all to do the same and also to share the Gospel with everyone so they can know their worth as well!  
Ps I really want to go to the temple.... Oh well. Someday. Also President has a book about all the temples built 2009 and earlier and it is amazing! I've been reading about each temple and it is so cool and I've learned lots. 
Have a great week!
Hermana Emily Pratt

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