Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Hola! not much happened this week because I was all diseased for most of the week. My throat stopped hurting so much after a couple days, but I had a really bad headache and was really dizzy and thought I was going to faint whenever I stood up. But I've been doing better the last couple days. Apparently a lot of stuff like that has been going around lately. 
Ummm....I am not sure what to say. I think you should all watch some Bible Videos when you get a chance. They are really good. I was watching some of them this morning. They gave us a DVD with like 10 random ones on it. I wish I had more time to watch the church videos. I hardly ever get to. But I always love them and they are so inspiring!
This week on Saturday we had a Stake Primary Pioneer activity. It was SO fun! Most of the missionaries were in charge of a station, but we went around with the CTR 4 group to all the stations. They are SO cute! We did a bunch of "Pioneer activities" (washing clothes by hand, stick pull, sack races, making homemade ice cream, line dancing, etc.) and helped out where they needed us. The kids are all so adorable! I am really excited for when I can actually play with kids again and hold them and stuff. There was this funny little girl that was so crazy but hilarious! She had so much personality and attitude but she loved helping people and doing everything, even though she was the youngest in the group. All the boys had cowboy hats and all the girls got bonnets. They even gave us bonnets! Mine clashed horribly with my dress (I was wearing my red dress and they gave me a purple bonnet) but it was still cute! 

Then, later that day we went to a birthday party for one of our less-active's kids because most of the family is less-active and we knew they would all be there. We ended up staying way longer than we wanted to because everyone was talking to us and the party just kept going on and on and on and it was just crazy. But at least we got some good contact in with a lot of our less-actives and some non-members as well. But yeah. That is pretty much how my week has been going. Lots of sleeping because I was dying. But not of strep, luckily. So yeah, at least now I am feeling better. 
Transfers are this week. I am staying here and Hermana Hiebert will be leaving and training a new missionary, as well. So she will probably be opening a new area, because we are getting a lot of new Hermanas this transfer (like 6 or 7) and same with the next two or three transfers. So there will be lots of new areas in the mission. I will be getting a new companion, but I'm not training, so who knows who I'll get. We'll see. Pray for me! ;) No, I think it will be fine. I'm sure it will be a good transfer. Yesterday we went around to say goodbye and saw a ton of people, which was good, and Hermana Hiebert was happy.
Sorry about the shortness of the letter (again). I did write a lot of letters to people, though, so that's my lame excuse. Hopefully someone will write me back. Most everyone has forgotten about me... Just kidding that is a lie. At least Grandma loves me. :) Actually, it is probably my fault. I have been really bad at writing people back. But I'm over it now! I like writing letters because now I have cute stationary!
Well, I love you all! Have a wonderful week! Don't let the mosquitos bite!
Love, Hermana Pratt

Ps oh wait the mosquitos already did bite. A ridiculous amount. Just be glad you're there and not here. The bugs are NOT ok. Billions of mosquitos and tons of gigantic spiders. Ugh. Oh well. It's always exciting.

Picture posted on Facebook Tuesday of Emily & her new companion

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