Tuesday, January 7, 2014


So now I'm in Mechanicsville Virginia. I have not fixed any cars yet or even met any mechanics. It's been pretty disappointing. Before I forget, my address is 7168 Hunter Circle, Mechanicsville, VA 23111. Enjoy it.
Leaving my last area was like the most horrible thing ever. It was really unfortunate saying goodbye to people. That is something I really hate about the mission. Goodbyes. But oh well. It's necessary.
So I'm in an English speaking ward now. Ugh. I don't like it. Everyone keeps offering me a handshake, even the women. And I'm always just thinking, "Man, where is my hug and kiss on the cheek?! These people hate me!" And sometimes I pull them in for a hug anyways because handshakes with women are just really awkward. I'm fine with the men not hugging me though. That would be unfortunate. But yeah. I was right about not being able to interact with white people anymore. I'm pretty sure they all think I'm super weird and awkward.  I want to go back to Chesterfield. But oh well. All the Hispanics I've met here have been fantastic. I've loved them lots.
So basically this area is weird.  We are Spanish missionaries in an English speaking ward, but, "our objective is not to start a Spanish group." I don't really know what our objective is, but we are just working on converting all the Hispanics in Mechanicsville. There is a Spanish branch in Henrico, which we send all the people that don't speak enough English to, but the ones that speak enough English or for some reason want to come to this ward, can come here. We just are apparently supposed to translate for them. But yeah. It is super confusing.
My new companera is Hermana Horton. She is great! She is super funny and enjoys making weird noises and speaking in weird voices like me. It is great. She doesn't even think I'm weird when I drop something and screech about it or anything. She is from Sandy, Utah, and yeah. I like her lots.
So funny story. While we were practicing the zoo choir/nativity thing (I think I told you about it, but if not it was basically on Dec 23 our ward went to the zoo and sang a bunch of Christmas songs in Spanish and then afterwards they did a like nativity with real animals because the zoo is owned by members.) for like 5 hours every Sunday (man, that was long.) there was an investigator there that Hermana Crisp had told us about that was from Mechanicsville, he had had a baptismal date that didn't work out so he still learned from the missionaries but wouldn't accept another baptismal date. He came down every week from Mechanicsville to sing in the choir. he is really funny. He is precious. Just a super polite Hispanic man. I talked to him a lot on the first day because he was standing behind me. He was asking me if I new Hermana Bingham and Hermana Horton, the missionaries in Mechanicsville and I did and he was so excited and we became friends and he is funny.
So then I got transferred here and Hermana Horton was like, "Yeah, ... talks about you all the time, he talks about all the other missionaries in Chesterfield and then he is like, 'and Hermana Pratt, the short one!'" and it was funny.  Oh and ps he accepted another baptismal date for this month! So anyways, on Saturday night he calls Hermana Horton and was talking to her about going to church (he is going to go the the Henrico branch because it is easier for him; his English is good, but not perfect) just to like work it out, and he asked who her new companion was and she was like, "It's someone from Chesterfield." and he got excited and he was like, "Seriously?! which one!?" and she was like, "Hermana Pratt!" and I am in the other room, not really paying attention and suddenly I hear from the other room (he was on speakerphone) "HERRRMANA PRAAAAATTT!!!! Let me talk to her!" and it was so funny so I talked to him for a minute and he is super excited that I'm here. He's a funny one. I'm excited to teach him, he is super great. And he always takes the missionaries out to a restaurant for dinner, which I have never had before, but I'm excited! I haven't eaten at a sit down restaurant my whole mission. I'm pretty excited.
So yeah, that's Mechanicsville. And we met this great lady named V who is so great and she's adorable and Hermana Horton calls her her Hispanic mom. I can see why.
I'm glad you're all having so much fun! Just don't forget about your favorite child out here in Virginia!
And mom, I can't think of anything else specific that I need in the package.   If you wanted to send things that are not chocolate, that would be great. I love chocolate, but I have tons. But mostly because I'm becoming a lard. But apparently this week we're going to learn about a  "mission president's wife's challenge - More Fit for the Kingdom" which I am excited about. I have gained like ten or fifteen pounds since the beginning of my mission probably. It is SO unfortunate. Hispanic food is great, but it makes you fat. After my mission someone is going to have to seriously commit to going to the gym with me so I can get all this extra off. If there are any volunteers, that would be great and I would love you forever.
Ps guess what song we sang yesterday in church? RING OUT WILD BELLS!!!! I was so happy. I knew we couldn't sing it in Chesterfield (I was so sad) because it isn't in Spanish. But then I got moved to an English speaking ward and I got to sing it! 
Adios! Love you all! Have a lovely day...

Hermana Emily Pratt

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