Last day in Chesterfield - 12/31/13
So, an investigator was baptized/confirmed yesterday. Surprise!!
On like Wednesday night we found out that he had been talking to the Henrico
hermanas and decided to get baptized this Sunday. We were a bit sad that no one
told us, but it we were so excited! And I don't know him super well yet,
but he is really funny. It was an excellent program and the Spirit was
really strong. And a bunch of people from Chesterfield came!! I was talking to
J. R. and he was making fun of our accents and stuff like he does; and
then I told him I liked his pin (It said "I <3 Jesus") and he was
like, "Dice... I love you, Jesus. Eso es lo que dice." And he said it
in his hilarious little Spanish accent and it was funny. These things are
probably not nearly as funny on the computer as they are in real life and when
you don't know these people. But yeah. Oh and I translated for Sister Wilson at
the baptism. I think I did a little better this time, but man, they talk fast!
And the guy who was conducting was from Argentina and had a really different
accent. I haven't met many from Argentina. But yeah, everyone there was great
and it was a wonderful day.
Yeah, we get a lot more member dinners here. And we usually
get some sort of healthy item too, which is good. But yeah, I really love all
the members. Even though it is still a bit awkward being in a regular ward again.
So yeah, not a lot has happened this week.
It is exciting that we have a new stake presidency! A bit sad
the old one is gone, but yeah. I guess I'll be getting released by President
Oviatt now.
So this morning I read something kind of funny in the
Scriptures. I read in Mosiah 12:1, which is after Abinadi got kicked out by
Noah. It says, "And it came to pass that after the space of two years that
Abinadi came among them in disguise, that they knew him not, and began to
prophesy among them, saying: Thus has the Lord commanded me, saying - Abinadi,
go and prophesy unto this my people, for the have hardened their hearts against
my words..." And I was just thinking, "Abinadi! What are you doing?
You're not supposed to go in disguise and then tell them who you are the very
first sentence to them!! What were you thinking??" It seems like it just wasn't
very well thought through. But then I was thinking about how much trust in the
Lord he had to have to do that. He was very bold and was clearly not afraid of
what they could and would do to him. All he feared was the Lord. It was kind of
a cool/funny little insight.
So yeah. Things are great.
Hermana Pratt
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