Monday, September 30, 2013

Short letter - going to the zoo!

Como estan? 
My salsa is good. I made lots, as usual. Except it took me like three days to make it because I had to chop everything by hand and I didn't have that much time to begin with. But it was good anyways. 

The weather here has been like perfect. Not hot, not cold. The leaves haven't really started changing yet, but it definitely feels like they will soon. 

We watched women's conference at the church. Unfortunately the satellite was out for the middle half of it. We heard the first talk and the second half of President Monson's talk. I love him, he is so cute.  I've been teaching a lot of "seguir al profeta" lessons and inviting people to conference and such and I am SO excited for it. It is going to be the greatest. 

We're working with the Matamoros lots, we're going to visit them every day this week. They are all doing great, we're super excited for them! the baptism will be between the Saturday afternoon and Priesthood sessions of conference. It's going to be tight, especially with who they want to give the talks, but we definitely don't want to push it back again. 
We were talking about how much of a difference it really makes to have the Gospel in a home. There is a big difference even between when I came and now in the Matamoros. They are doing stuff together as a family more, they don't argue with each other anymore, and they are all clearly happier. The Spirit truly does work wonders; and they haven't even been baptized yet. It is easy to see how much and why God really treasures families when you see the difference there is when people come to Him. 

Well, Have a fantastic day! 

PS we're going to the zoo again today! I'm so excited!

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