Monday, September 9, 2013

Hermana Pratt and Hermana Chambers (companions as of last week)

This one is Hermana Pratt, Hermana Williams, Hermana Brown (previous companions), 
with a recent convert named Norma Munoz. She is awesome.

This is humorous because it says "human hair"...

Then there's a picture of that filthy large spider that wasn't really dead. 
That's a quarter next to it.

Hermana Williams (former companion) sitting on "Nessie." 
The Elder's decorated a room for Hermana Brown's birthday 
and we put all the balloons into a Nessie shape. 

So I had an extremely cool experience with prayer the other night. We had just taught the Matamoros about prayer, and how to recognize the Spirit and stuff, and as I went home and prayed, I prayed for something that I've been praying for every night for a long time and I finally got an answer. It was extremely powerful and strong and it was a huge testimony builder. I won't go into specifics now.
Also, the night before, I had a really unfortunate dream and woke up and was really scared for a little while and then suddenly the image of Julie came into my head and I could feel her presence and I know she was there. And I knew no sort of evil could stand up to her wonderful and feisty little spirit. I don't know why she came to me, but she did and comforted me and in the prayer that I mentioned I asked God and thanked him for it, and I got a very strong confirmation that he had sent her to me in that moment. And it was a big confirmation to me that the church is definitely true. Julie is still doing the Lord's work!
I'm so glad I have this time to serve the Lord and do so much to advance his kingdom! Last night before bed I watched the talk "Of Regrets and Resolutions" By Dieter F Uchtdorf. It was a fantastic talk. And it was very good and I want to avoid the three main regrets that people mentioned. My biggest one is that I often anticipate the end more than just living in the moment. Sometimes I feel like I am just doing something with the anticipation of the end in mind. I sometimes get anxious, especially if we have somewhere to be or something to do, and don't enjoy the moment like I should. Especially with my mission. Not that I'm not enjoying the moment, but I feel like I think things like, "Well, when I get home, I'm going to do this..." Or, "After my mission this is going to happen." Not that those are terrible things to do, but sometimes I feel like it draws me away from what is happening now and I just don't enjoy or concentrate on what is happening now. That is definitely something I need to work on. He shared the analogy of him and his wife riding bikes and how you don't go on bike rides just so you can get home or be the fastest or whatever. You go to enjoy the journey and the company of friends. He is funnier than that, but yeah. 
Well, I'm running out of time again. I better wrap it up. But thank you for all the wonderful encouragement and things! You are all the best!
Love, Hermana Pratt

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