Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Hola! This week has been pretty good. For the most part. I am getting transferred, though! I thought I would stay here.... But Saturday night were transfer calls and we weren't expecting one since President had said we would probably stay together. But then he called me and told me I am leaving and told Hermana Kingsley she would be staying and training! I asked him where I'm going, but I won't be able to tell you until after tomorrow. So in case anyone was sending anything this week, send it to the mission office or just wait. 
But apart from that it was a pretty good week. We had a really cool experience where a potential that we had met called us and asked for me by name and I was just like what is happening. But we had left a card on his door with our names and we had almost forgotten about him but he called us and we set up an appointment with him. Yesterday we taught him and he is super open. He talked to us about all his beliefs and what we believe and he is way cool. He wasn't even creepy like most people that call us are. It was great. And he was talking about a bunch of experiences where it isn't good just to pray and wait for God to do everything, we have to pray and then go and do our best and then we know God will be with us. And also how much he loves helping people and just doing random acts of service. We read Matthew 25:34-40 (I don't remember exactly where it starts...) with him about how when we serve others (or don't serve others) it is as if we had done it (or not done it) to Christ. He liked it and they are going to go back and teach him next week. I think he will get baptized someday soon. 
I am so sad I am leaving right as everything is happening! I will have to get a ride back for E's baptism, and J's (if I'm still here for it... She's got a lot to overcome first) and I'll just miss people so much! I hate leaving areas! I am really excited for my new area, though.
Yesterday we had dinner with the C's again. It was good. It was a Mexican soup sort of thing, I can't remember what it is called. It starts with a p, but I don't remember exactly.
Ps I'm really sorry this is the shortest letter of all time. See excuses I made last week. 
I love you all so much! I'm going to try and write a real, handwritten letter instead. Maybe that will be easier. We'll see. 
Have a lovely week! Love you!
Hermana Emily Pratt
Hermana Pratt & Hermana Kingsley

Hermana Pratt, Hermana Kingsley & President Wilson


With pet bird

Looking good!

Notice the infected mosquito bite on her foot

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