Monday, June 23, 2014

I'm Back.............

So I know you were all thinking I would go somewhere new (I was too... this was the last thing I expected) but I am back in Midlothian! It is really weird. I miss Mechanicsville a lot, but I already love the people here and stuff. It is really weird though because everything is a lot the same but a lot different, too. There are just like little changes. But I already know how to get everywhere, I already know everyone in the ward, I know a few of the investigators, I love the little blue house, I love that we live in the area with the zoo (we're going there today!) and it is just a great area.
But it is weird because most of the investigators I was teaching have been dropped, the M and H families have both moved (they are still in our area though... Luckily).  We went by and D came out and was SOOOOO surprised to see me. I thought she was going to faint or something. You'd have thought I was a ghost. But A still wouldn't come out and talk to us (We'll be working on that). And then it is weird because the ward is different (new bishop, new ward mission leader, etc) but everyone still acts the same. Certain people are now less active that were active before, and now some of the people that were inactive are active again. But pretty much everyone still remembers me, which is kind of cool. The short hair threw a lot of people though.
I had to say the opening prayer in sacrament meeting and a bunch of people ran up and hugged me afterwards and stuff. It is cool. And S and her family are SO excited that I am back! They are some of my favorite people in the world. I think I could hang out with them all the time. Except I can't as a missionary. But they are just a lot of fun.
In case you don't still have it, my address is 8742 Shadymist Dr, Richmond, VA 23235. Back in the blue house! And also, back to living 5 minutes from both the mission office AND President Wilson's house. Sometimes I am a bit suspicious that he just wanted to keep me close so I don't get into any trouble. I guess he knows how crazy I can be sometimes...
And my companion, Hermana Hiebert, came out one transfer ahead of me. Almost all my companions have come out that transfer. She is funny.  She is Canadian! She is from Northern Alberta, which is like WAY up there, if you didn't know. She doesn't have an accent, although she says "z" like "zed," which is kind of funny. She speaks English, Spanish, and Swedish! She has been to like 15 countries and she is basically just really cool. Next week I'll send pictures of us at the zoo and stuff, but we haven't taken any so far.
It was so cool reuniting with the H family! They were all SO excited to see me again! They all gave me the biggest hugs and we were just laughing and stuff and I imagine that is exactly what it will be like in the Celestial Kingdom! Except hopefully not as hot. It was like 80,000 degress. Even T and Y remember me, and they are so young! T unfortunately still thinks I'm his Amor, so that's awkward. He kept trying to kiss me and when I wouldn't let him he'd try to bite me. We read a scripture with S, who is also being a bum and won't go to church because he doesn't like primary (we're working on that, too) and then played hide and seek with them for like 45 minutes. It is really hard to play in a trailer, just so you know. But S is like a master. Since he's only 9, he can fit into places you just wouldn't expect a human being to be able to fit into, like under beds, behind cabinets, on shelves, etc. It was really fun.
So yesterday we found this super cute new investigator named M. She is great and we had given her a restoration pamphlet when we set the appointment and she'd read it like 3 times! We talked about prayer with her because we didn't have a lot of time, but she agreed to be baptized! And not only did she just agree to be baptized, she agreed to prepare for August 30! In the very first lesson! She is really cool. She's a sweet lady. She has 4 kids, one of which is only 2 months old and has been in the NICU ever since then but came home last week.
I'm so excited to go to the zoo! I hope it won't be TOO hot today, because it rained yesterday, but we'll see. That will probably just make it more humid. And there is a panda express on the way! SO EXCITING!!!
I loved the homemade bread and stuff! It was a lifesaver. And the pictures are so cute, and the recordings are beautiful and basically it was just a great package.
I finally fulfilled one of my service dreams! I got to paint for someone! We painted the M's fence pink. It was so fun! And it looks super cute and springy. We were worried it was going to rain, but it held off for the perfect amount of time. And we have a prospect of helping Hermana G paint her house, too. She just has to decide for sure whether or not she is going to do it, or move somewhere else. I hope she does it! I want them to stay in our ward. She is way nice. And makes delicious food.
Luckily we have lots of member dinners this week, but I forgot how this area just doesn't really get a lot of member dinners. We only had one planned one this week, with S. But fortunately some other people fed us while we were over there. But it is the worst when it isn't planned because you just never know if people are going to feed you or not so you never know if you should eat dinner. And whenever you do eat dinner, they feed you. Whenever you don't, no one feeds you. It is unfortunate. But I'll have to buy more food when I get more money next month... We did get some REALLY good taquitos from PJ while we were there teaching her brother who is an investigator. And we have dinner with her again this Wednesday. She is one of the best cooks in the ward. I always love her food.
Well... I think that's it for now. But I love you! Have a great week! In the meantime I'll just be melting. I've got a pretty nice watch tanline though. Today I'll be going without a watch to try and fix that.
Hermana Emily Pratt

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