Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Shortest letter ever...

So I just wrote a pretty long email to President Wilson because I had some things I wanted to ask him, so this will be short.
Not much happened this week. 
The only interesting thing was that we went to Tappahanock on Saturday again! Sister M drove us. She is great. We met up with the Tappahanock sisters and did a tracting exchange with them. I went with Sister Robinson again, while Hermana McRae went with Sister Brunty and Sister M. They picked a bunch of wild onions along the way, so now our house reeks of onions because they made us take all of them. But it is good for cooking and such! I haven't used them yet because I haven't cooked anything yet, but we did also get more eggs from Sister M! The fresh eggs are way better than the store ones. They are more flavorful and just better overall.
Ummm.... Nothing else happened this week.
Oh jk. We did have Spanish Meeting again! Which is where all the Spanish missionaries get together.  It was really good. Nothing that super stuck out, but I walked away feeling edified, nonetheless.
Well.... I really can't think of anything else. And I don't have that much more time anyways.
It really did help last time that you had those questions. If you wanted to do that again, I would enjoy it... If anyone has any questions or wants to know anything about missionary work or about Hermana Pratt or anything like that, they can send them to Mom and I'm sure she would be lovely and ask them to me for you!
So yeah. Love you, bye!

Hermana Pratt

P.S.  Everyone should read this!

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