Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Shortest letter ever...

So I just wrote a pretty long email to President Wilson because I had some things I wanted to ask him, so this will be short.
Not much happened this week. 
The only interesting thing was that we went to Tappahanock on Saturday again! Sister M drove us. She is great. We met up with the Tappahanock sisters and did a tracting exchange with them. I went with Sister Robinson again, while Hermana McRae went with Sister Brunty and Sister M. They picked a bunch of wild onions along the way, so now our house reeks of onions because they made us take all of them. But it is good for cooking and such! I haven't used them yet because I haven't cooked anything yet, but we did also get more eggs from Sister M! The fresh eggs are way better than the store ones. They are more flavorful and just better overall.
Ummm.... Nothing else happened this week.
Oh jk. We did have Spanish Meeting again! Which is where all the Spanish missionaries get together.  It was really good. Nothing that super stuck out, but I walked away feeling edified, nonetheless.
Well.... I really can't think of anything else. And I don't have that much more time anyways.
It really did help last time that you had those questions. If you wanted to do that again, I would enjoy it... If anyone has any questions or wants to know anything about missionary work or about Hermana Pratt or anything like that, they can send them to Mom and I'm sure she would be lovely and ask them to me for you!
So yeah. Love you, bye!

Hermana Pratt

P.S.  Everyone should read this!

Monday, May 12, 2014

I am almost bald...

I cut off my hair!

So I pretty much said all I have to say yesterday when I talked to you all on the phone yesterday (Whoo!) So I'll just go ahead and answer some questions for the moment
I love my companion! She isn't as weird as I am, but she enjoys watching my freakishness and occasionally participates. We often sing lovely duets, especially of My Turn on Earth, which she has actually seen. I have been DYING to see that movie. It will probably be one of the first ones I watch when I get home, if I can find it. It may be difficult to find, I don't know. But the music has like sustained me throughout my mission. If you can get Saturday's Warrior, I'd love that too. Also the Prince of Egypt soundtrack (Its about Moses) and the song "No importa la distancia" by Ricky Martin. Just if you can/feel like it.
This week I've been watching a lot of the Conference DVDs that I have. This morning I watched a talk by Dallin H Oaks from April 2009, about the relationship between love and law. It was really interesting and a perfect answer to the question people always ask us about why God lets so many horrible things happen to good people and stuff like that. I really enjoyed it.
I don't know if there was one super spiritual experience that I've had this week different from the rest, but I always feel the Spirit so strong when I take the sacrament. It is a complete renewal, not only of our covenants with God, but becoming completely clean and perfect every single week. I was thinking about the words to a song on a Tenth Avenue North CD that I have that I think relates really well to the sacrament. I can't remember all of it now, but it talks about basically how we are more than our imperfections and weaknesses and problems because we've been remade. It was really cool.
Also yesterday we listened to a talk by Pres Monson from 2004 priesthood session about courage and I was just thinking about a few weeks ago during the sacrament, the deacons missed our row for the water and I should have stopped one of them as they were walking past, but I assumed that either they would get us or someone else would notice, but they didn't. So they walked back up to the sacrament table and were about to give their trays to the priest and I felt SO sad. Like just incomplete. I had no idea what to do. Obviously I shouldn't just like yell, "HEY WAIT!" but I couldn't think of anything. I was just praying something miraculous would happen, but I didn't have the courage at that moment to do anything about it but feel sad. No one else seemed to notice, and no one on our row seemed to notice either. There was a family with a few little fussing kids and an older couple that I thought was asleep. And at the end there was one other couple. Then the older man down the row looked up and waved at the Bishopric but they didn't see, which just made me more worried. Then the man stood up at waved both arms at the bishopric until they saw him; and signaled that we had been missed. The counselor stepped over to the deacons and tapped one on the shoulder and told him to take the water back to us. I felt SO relieved and grateful for the courage of that man and after I took the water I felt so much better.
I've thought a lot about that experience ever since and have just been thinking about how that courage meant a lot more to me than what the world counts as courage. He didn't do it for recognition or any sort of thing like that. It was just a quiet, nice old man who wanted to renew his covenant with God, and allowed everyone else on the row to do so as well. To me that is one of the most courageous things I've ever seen.
The members we were with yesterday are funny. Brother D, when I talked to him at the brunch they had for Mother's Day during church, didn't even look at my nametag, and he was like, "Tell me you're related to Parley Pratt!" and I was like, "...Yeah?" And he was like, "I knew it! You look just like him!" This was a bit surprising, as Parley lived like 200 years ago, but I thought it was interesting. I've never been told that before. And so I went back home and I looked at his picture and I didn't really see myself looking like him much, but I did actually notice that Dad looks a LOT like him. Just like the expression and some features. It was interesting. So I showed Brother D
a picture of Dad and he was so excited. He ADORES Parley Pratt. He knows SO much about him. He and I were talking about it over dinner and it made me want to learn more. Hopefully I'll be able to read the Autobiography.
Well, I'm out of time. But I love you! Have a great week!
Happy Mother's Day! :)

Hermana Pratt

Monday, May 5, 2014

Meeting with Elder Bednar!!!

Probably not even people who know Spanish will be able to read this text, but it was a super cute birthday text from one of our investigators who I thought didn't even know it was my birthday! Essentially, it says, (with a lot of grammatical edits), "Hola, Hermana Praht, I want to congratulate you on your birthday of yesterday, God bless you and take care of you, and give you lots of years of life." Again, lots of editing. But it was so sweet! I was pretty happy about it.

Hola! So I can't remember whether I mentioned the fact that Elder Bednar was coming to our mission, but he did! On Saturday! Also, with him came his wife, Susan Bednar, Elder Lynn G Robins, of the Presidency of the Seventy, and Bishop Davies of the Presiding Bishopric! It was super intense! And also like the coolest thing ever.
Something funny that he said: "The Sisters will do 100 things and they will get an A+ on 99 of them, and a B+ on the other one and all they can remember is the B+. A man can do 100 things and will fail on 99 of them, but on one he scrapes a C. You know what he does?" Just use your imagination on this one, but Elder Bednar beats his chest and yells, "Yeah! I'm the man!"
The first thing Bishop Davies did when he got up was impersonate James Brown and sing, "I feel good!" Everyone was quite entertained.
Sister Bednar is super cute and Elder Robins and Bishop Davies gave super powerful testimonies. And when Elder Bednar bore his testimony at the end, I could feel that there were angels in the room. I could almost see them. It was SO powerful. The Spirit was so strong the whole time.
And so about my comment thing. The meeting went like this: Elder Bednar got up and told us not to write down what the speakers said. That was like making, "Large plates." (The long history of the people). We only needed to write down the things the Spirit told us, which is like making, "Small plates." (The plates that contained spiritual things and things of great worth). He also told us we were going to be participating lots. Then he said, "But we are not going to be playing the, 'guess what's in Elder Bednar's head' game. That game goes like this: (And I have to point at someone, don't freak out or do anything when I point at you) (*points at a random Elder*) Elder, tell me the three elements of a baptismal covenant. (*Elder starts to shift uncomfortably*) Now, he knows the answer. Until an apostle of the Lord points at him in front of 600 other missionaries, his mission president, and some other General Authorities. In that moment, he doesn't even know his name. He doesn't know where he is. It is not an effective learning tool. It is something that has developed in the culture of the church, not the doctrine, but the culture." He talked a lot about the Doctrine of the church vs. the culture of the church, which I think is an important difference. Then he explained how when he did that, he made that Elder an object, something to be acted upon and not an agent to act for himself. That was pretty much his main thing. That we need to be objects and use our agency and act for ourselves, rather than waiting to be acted upon.
He had given us three talks of his to read in the month or so before the meeting, and then he opened it up to us to tell him what we'd learned from them and from what we were doing in the meeting. They had microphones that they would pass to whoever he called on (Missionaries would raise their hands) and they would say their thoughts and he would pretty much always say back, "Can I ask you a question?" And then would ask a question based on what they had said. One thing I noticed was that he was so good at building people up and making us all feel so intelligent and really just bringing it all back to the fact that it was the Holy Ghost saying these things, not him and not us.
I did make a comment about the prayer thing I told you about a few weeks ago and he asked me a question. Its all a bit of a blur, but it was really cool. He asked me what effect that has had on my prayers and how I am going to continue to improve. I didn't know Sister Murrell had texted you until yesterday! I think you guys would be really good friends. You need to meet somehow in person.
But the Spirit was SOOOOO strong. We were promised beforehand that if we prepared well we could expect a Pentecostal experience and I definitely feel like that's what we got! Before the meeting started I was feeling depressed and worried I wouldn't be able to feel the Spirit but as soon as they walked in, all of those feelings of fear and doubt completely vanished. There was no blockage of the Spirit or any feelings of depression. It was incredible. I haven't felt that way in a long time, and ever since then I have felt a lot better and much more capable. And I have learned so much more about how to teach effectively. Talking is not the way. Elder Bednar specifically said, "You probably were expecting us to just stand up here and give talks. But if we do that, we have no idea where you are or what you need. So we will be going by the Spirit and you will be doing as much talking as me." Then we read D&C 88:122, which says: "122 Appoint among yourselves a teacher, and let anot‍ all be spokesmen at once; but let one speak at a time and let all listen unto his sayings, that when all have spoken that all may be bedified‍ of all, and that every man may have an equal privilege."
And I had never really thought about it the way that this meeting was conducted, but it was really  cool and I wondered why not every meeting was conducted this way.
Well, anyways, I'm sorry, but I'm out of time. I love you all and I'll see you on Mother's day!! :) ;)
Love, Hermana Emily Pratt