Monday, November 4, 2013

Some fall leaves. It is like that everywhere here. Every road. 
There are prettier places, but I haven't gotten good pictures of them.

The gorgeous tree in our front yard. It is even prettier now, but I didn't take another picture yet

A Turtle statue that I enjoyed

Me and Sandra, a recent convert in our ward that is so sweet! She has adorable children too. 
(Or childrens, as Dina would say)

Our very soon to be baptized family! Well, Corina and Said (on the ends) (Pronounce Said like Sigh EEED)

On Saturday we had our ward Halloween party/trunk or treat thing. They told everyone to bring Chili, but unfortunately some Hispanics don't know what chili is or how to make it. So there were some interesting chili imitations. Also, no one trick or treats in Virginia. It is weird. Like we saw about four groups of kids outside the whole night. How unfortunate.
But yeah, things are good. I can't really think of anything else that has happened. 
Oh, we taught a new investigator the other day. His name is Ivan and we taught him the restoration and he actually like listened and asked questions and stuff. Most of the people we teach are either dead silent the whole time unless you ask them a direct yes or no question, or they literally talk for an hour for every sentence you say. We now have two investigators that are a nice balance between the two. He seemed a little nervous when we gave him the Book of Mormon and found out that we were the Mormons (I wonder what his preacher has told him) but other than that he is way good. It was a very spiritually powerful lesson, despite it being outside on his front porch in the middle of an apartment complex (there wasn't a woman in his house).
So things are great here! I loved the pictures and everything else in the package. It is starting to get cold some days here. The leaves are changing and they are gorgeous. I will send some pictures that I took for you. Love you all lots!

Hermana Emily Pratt

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