Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Emily is on the front row

How are things? Things here are lovely. It is finally starting to get really cold. It has frozen a couple nights out here. Not as cold as Utah, but oh well. There are SO MANY leaves everywhere. We raked a member's yard the other day, us and some other missionaries, and it took ages. Well, not that long because there were lots of us, but there are like a ridiculous amount of leaves.
Ummm.... Not much has happened this week. And I'm SUPER tired today for some reason. So my brain isn't quite working. So if this letter does't make sense, that may be why. 
Oh, yesterday we had someone from the Seventy come talk to us. His name is Elder Sitati. He and his adorable little wife are from Kenya and they have cute accents. She talked about our companion and how to get along with and love them and stuff and why we have them and whatnot.
He talked about the missionary purpose. It was fantastic. He split it up into 8 parts:
1. Invite others to come unto Christ
2. By helping them
3. Recieve the restored Gospel
4. Through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement
5. Repentance
6. Baptism
7. Receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost
8. Enduring to the end.
It was really good. He talked about how each one has a verb in it. Then we talked about and found at least two scriptures for the why and the how of each of them. I learned lots from it. It was extremely long though. About 6 1/2 hours with only a half hour break for lunch. 
But one of the things I wrote down is how he talked about plants and compared them to the Holy Ghost, first you have to make an environment where they can grow, then you have to nourish and care for them and then just be patient and wait. You can't force it to come, but once it finally breaks the soil, it is wonderful and a miracle. 
And yeah. Mostly we just spent a lot of time finding scriptures for each of them and breaking down each part and stuff. He said some really cool things about repentance and how true repentance means turning our hearts to God. He compared it to when a little child puts their hand in yours they are willing to go wherever you take them and they are putting complete trust in you. Someone also read D&C 19:15-19 and made a comment that was like, "We can choose Christ's manner of living, or Christ's manner of suffering." And I really thought that was cool. If we live like Christ, the Atonement will apply to us and we will be able to be happy. If we don't choose to live like Christ, then we will have to feel everything for our own sins and pains and have to suffer like Christ, "Which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit - and would that I might not drink the bitter cup, and shrink."
And yeah, basically I loved it. I learned a lot and the Spirit was so strong the whole time. Maybe that's why I'm so tired. 
And yeah, Corina and Said are getting baptized next sunday. Corina is 13 and Said is 9. They are super funny. And oh my gosh Corina is the sweetest girl. We like barely even mentioned fasting in the lesson before fast Sunday and she asked what it was and literally all we said was, "fasting is when you go without food for 2 meals or 24 hours and you are praying during that time with a purpose in mind. It's like a super powerful prayer. We usually fast on the first Sunday of the month." And then the next day she came to church and mentioned that she was fasting. This girl is golden! 
Things are great here!
Love you all! Thanks for your support and such!
Buenos dias!

Hermana Pratt

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