Monday, November 3, 2014

I don't even know what to say here...

I can't believe it. This is my very last email of the mission. I legitimately remember my first p-day/emailing experience in the MTC like it was yesterday... I think I actually remember more about it than I remember about yesterday. Geez. I was so confused and had no idea what was happening and there were a billion people and not many computers. But man. Now I feel like I am going crazy. 
I don't even know what to talk about. I can tell all of this to you in person.
But V's baptism was SOOO amazing! It all went of fairly smoothly, except he was complaining about how the water was cold (we didn't know how to change the temperature). Also someone else made the program and forgot to put the 2nd half of the program on there. But oh well. It was super good. And his confirmation was of course wonderful as well! I like confirmations better sometimes. They are just so amazing. The Spirit is so strong when it is being given to someone. It was so powerful and it makes me so happy knowing that he is now a member of the church. Ahhh. 
Also, I had some... Interesting food yesterday. A member made us this "Caldo de Marisco Especial," which basically consists of fake krab meat, whole tilapia (head and tail and fins and all), clams, mussels, octopus/squid, and various other mystery items. It didn't taste THAT bad, but the family that made it refused to tell me what was in there. They were just like, "Hermana! No importa! Solo disfrutelo." (Hermana! It doesn't matter! Just enjoy it.) But what really worries me is what one of my Hispanic companions said to the other when she thought I was too busy flipping out about people's crazy driving and trying to avoid crashing, "Decimos a Hermana Pratt lo que realmente comio?" (Should we tell Hermana Pratt what she really ate?) Ugh. Ugh, ugh, ugh. I don't even want to know. Ugh. 
Ummm.... I don't think I have anything else for now. Lastweek was mostly preparations for the baptism and stuff. This week will mostly be packing and saying goodbye and usual missionary work. 
I guess I'll just send pictures for the rest of the time. I don't know what else to say. If I think of anything, I'll send another email.

"Caldo de Marisco Especial,"